Advertising the Post Office The Postmaster-General gave some remarkable figures
on Tuesday to indicate the increase .in trade that has accrued from Post Office advertising. Telephone stations have increased by 87,906 in the last year, and there has been an increase in air mail traffic of 49. per cent. during the first four months of 1984 compared with the corresponding period last -year, These increases have been achieved at a time when other countries have suffered severe losses. The figures go to prove once again that there is no commodity that does not benefit from advertisement, Government services not excepted. Even the Post Office itself has had to stand invidious comparison with non-official organizations, owing to its hesitancy about embarking on that type of adver- tising which other great concerns find indispensable to their prosperity. As a matter of fact the Post Office offers all kinds of services and facilities of which the public knows nothing. To appoint Sir Stephen Tallents as Publicity Officer and enlist Mr. Grierson to make films is a good beginning, but nothing is so effective in the end as newspaper advertising.