[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,-It is remarkable with what frequency the sayings of the meek and lowly are attributed erroneously to the greater ones of the earth. Recently, your contributor, Mr. Frank Moran, ascribed the remark about Hell bunker to Andrew Kircaldy. Actually the incident took place at Machrihanish links more than thirty years ago, and the dramatis personae were the Bishop of London and a humble caddy. The Bishop drove into Hell bunker, an invisible and more formidable hazard than its namesake at St. Andrew's. The following dialogue ensued : " Ye're in Hell, Sir." " Why do they call it Hell, any boy ? " asked the Bishop. " Because ye canna get oot, Sir." The Bishop proceeded to disprove this generalization by skilfully landing his ball on the fairway. No praise was forthcoming from the dour Scot, whose only comment was, " Ye'd better tak yer niblick wi' ye when ye dee, Sir."-I am, Sir, &c.,