14 JUNE 1945, Page 1

New Hopes for Poland

Not less important than the ending of the deadlock at San Francisco is the discovery of a solution of the hitherto insoluble problem of Poland. Indeed, these two questions were felt to be indirectly connected, and it is of high significance and promise that the ending of the veto dispute should have been quickly followed y a joint announcement by the Russian, British and American representatives on the subject of the • future Polish Provisional Government. Here at last is action of the right kind' in a matter where inaction was darkening the prospect of satisfactory relations

between Russia and the Anglo-Saxon countries. The Commission consisting of Mr. Molotov and the British and American Ambassa- dors in Moscow have taken the first steps required by the Yalta agreement in announcing their intention to consult with members of the Lublin Provisional Polish Government and other democratic leaders in Poland and abroad about the reorganisation of the Provisional Government on a broad democratic basis. A practical character is given to this statement by the announcement of the names of the leaders invited. Four are the appointed repre- sentatives of the Lublin administration. Five are leaders from Poland, including the ex-Premier, Mr. Vincenty Witos, a member of the Peasant Party. Three are leaders from abroad, including Mr. Miltolajczyk, also an ex-Prime Minister belonging to the Peasant Party. These two men are competent to represent respectively the resistance movement within Poland and the more progressive elements 'among the Poles who have had their headquarters in Britain. It would have been too much to expect the Russians to agree to the inclusion of uncompromising Poles of the Right now in this country, or to expect agreement at a conference-table if they had. Many difficulties will remain to be overcome when these groups are brought together with the object of forming a new Government. But the great thing is that the deadlock has been broken by the joint action of the three Powers. If that co- operation continues a settlement of the personnel of the new Govern- ment can certainly be reached.