The Commanders in Germany
While the world awaits the, news of the meeting of the heads of the three States which have borne the main burden of the war, the com- manders who have achieved victory on land have been meeting in Germany ; and Marshal Zhukov decorated General Eisenhower and Field-Marshal Montgomery at Supreme Allied Headquarters. The note struck by Marshal Zhukov, and repeated by General Eisen- hower, was the need of working together in peace as in war. For the military commanders that work begins in their joint plans for eliminating Nazism and governing Germany. On that point Marshal Zhukov has emphasised the intention of the Soviet Govern- ment to impose a strict regime on Germany, though the relations between the occupying Power and the German people would depend on how the latter behaved. Field-Marshal Montgomery's .broadcast to the population in the British-occupied zone is fully in keeping with the Russian statement. He explained why the non fraternisa- tion order had been issued: It was to make it clear to the German people beyond all possibility of misunderstanding that in allowing themselves to be deceived by their rulers, and applauding their actions, they made themselves responsible for their crimes. They had been beaten, and had to learn their lesson. But the Field- Marshal went on to explain that the British, a "friendly people," will not always maintain the attitude of unfriendliness. Doubtless he knows that there has been a good deal of criticism of the non- fraternisation order, and that it would not be wise or feasible to maintain it indefinitely. But the National Socialist system, as he insists, has to be destroyed. It is too soon for anyone to know who are the people who ought to be punished, or may still be spreading poison, and whom we can safely trust. Fraternisation must wait.