The Advance in Korea
The capture by the 8th Army of an important enemy supply base in the Chorwon area has been the main feature of recent operations in Korea. All along the front—which was visited last week by General Marshall—United Nations forces have continued to 'make slow but steady progress. The censorship, which is extremely strict, has released two reports of small-scale amphibious operations. One, which appears to- have been of a harassing or diversionary character, was carried out by Royal Marines on the west coast of the peninsula and met with no opposition. The other involved the landing—apparently some time ago—of South Korean forces on some small islands off the east coast port of Wonsan ; though the precedent may be without significance, it will be recalled that similar operations took place before the sea-borne assault on Inchon last year. In the air enemy fighter activity seems to have been on a reduced scale, and the Fifth Air Force continues to increase the Communists' diffi- culties in regrouping for a determined stand, let alone for a counter-attack. In China, meanwhile, a nation-wide appeal has been launched for funds with which to buy tanks and aircraft to support the " Liberation Army "; and no more has been heard of the theoretically projected assault on Formosa, originally scheduled as an official military target for 1951. There are no signs whatever that China is coming to the conclusion that she will have to cut her losses in Korea ; but some, at least, of her leaders must be thinking along those lines.