'Man, I heard the fire engine goin' through the village like an express train with the bell ringing and I said, "Well, it gives them some- thin' to do with all that gear they keep playin' with.” I never for a minute thought it was my own place afire! I was comin' up the hill about half-past four when somebody stops me an' says, "One thing about you I like is you don't ever let things get you down." I never let on I didn't know what they was talkin' about. I just said. "Oh, ah," but up at the farm they soon let me know. We'd lost a whole hay harvest. You see, we didn't need none o' last year's an' was savin' it for this. The lot went up in smoke. If there's a handful spare you won't be able to buy the stuff here for gold bricks this year! I can tell you this. Next time that fire bell clangs I'll be thinkin' who's in trouble. The worst of it was we wasn't properly insured!'