Sir: Andrew Gimson's article throws light on an important institution
of central government not normally subject to objec- tive scrutiny. However, I would like to question his reference to me as part of a 'tendency publicly to identify the Civil Service as "the enemy" '. I have never done that. Certainly I entered Downing Street intent that the new Policy Unit should be established completely indepen- dent of the conventional Whitehall machine. That was done during my regime in 1974-9 and Mr Gimson's article suggests that my Conservative successors have tried to continue that tradition. But it did not mean destroying relations with the regular Civil Service. After a few initial skirmishes to test punching power, the civil servants, especially in Number Ten, gave all reason- able co-operation. As for learning 'what is going on in Whitehall', I ran an effective espionage network, mainly composed of civil servants in other departments. We knew what was going on. But, as Mr Gimson correctly concludes, whether the Policy Unit can do much about it depends upon the will of the prime minister of the day.
Bernard Donoughue
7 Brookfield Park, London NW5