15 MARCH 1845, Page 11
EAST INDIA SHIPPING: Aaatvst--At Gravesend, 14th inst: Eleanor, Haalip, from
Mauritius. ON Portland, 7th, Minstrel, Burton, from Calcutta, At Dartmouth, 10th, Token, Cheyne,-from Cal- cutta. At Liverpool, 7th, Heroine, Dodd, from Singapore.
Sattan--Fiem.GraVesend;111th; Orlando; Cockerel!, for Calcutta ; and 14th, Lady Clarke, Lawrence, dm ditto. From Liverpool, nth,-Bolivar; Fenwickt- far Bombay; 11th, Earl of Chester, Blackstone, forHong-kong ; 14th,13idston, Harmer"; and Princess Royal, lloodly, for Calcutta; and Hartland, Hooper, for Bombay. From the Clyde, 8th, CPPshire, King; far Calcutta; and lath, Mandarin; Brebner;ror-dttte: