As regards the English Fluids, the principal feature in the week's business has
been aconsidem i
ble improvement in Bank Stock, which rose to 220; a report hav- ing been prevalent that in addition to the dividend of 04 per cent upon the stock a bonus would be declared, The fallacy of this report became apparent at the usual half-yearly meeting of the Proprietors, held yesterday; when it appeared that the profits upon the business of the past half-year only exceeded the amount required to pay the usual dividend of 34 per cent by 9,7271. This stun was con- sequently added to the Rest. The state of the accounts, although very satisfac- tory to the Proprietors, did not of course justify the anticipation of a bonus; and the price of the Stock consequently declined after the meeting to 216. The business in the English Funds has been quite trifling; being confined solely to investments and real sales; so few speculative transactions occurring as to ren- der a bargain for the account of rare occurrence. Under this state of things, the fluctuation in price has been of course unimportant. There is rather a greater demand for money for commercial pinposeii; and the rate of discount for first- rate bills may be quoted as fully 2j per cent, which is the present Bank rate of discount The Foreign Exchanges still continue to rise; the rate upon Paris be- ing 26 to 26 5 francs per £. —higher than it has ever stood since the • memo- rable panic year of 1825. The -stock of Bullion in the Bank is consequently con. tinually on the increase; and the present low rate of interest for money likely to continue for some time.
The great increase of Railway Share business transacted for provincial brokers and capitalists and the extensive correspondence arising out of it has led to the adoption of a proposition for limiting the hours for the mere transaction of bar- gains at the Stock Exchange,.from half-past ten to half-past three o'clock, instead of as now from ten to four oclock. The establishment will be kept open as at present; but no bargain will be recorded in the Official List published by the authority of the Stock Exchange if effected before half-past ten or after half-past three o'clock.
The business of the Foreign Market has been more important than usual. Pu■tugaese Converted Stock, which had risen to 70, fell upon the arrival of the packet, and has been as low as 654. Since then, the market has been firmer; and closes this afternoon at 67 to 674. This alarm was occasioned by the non- arrival of the decree authorizing the immediate optional conversion of the present stock into Four per Cents. All is, however, arranged: both the decree itself and the Commissioner charged with its execution may be expected by the next packet. S nish Stock has been tolerably steady, without the occurrence of any remark- able transactions; and, after declining about 4 per cent, has today nearly recovered the lost ground. The small amount of money (only 10;000 dollars) received for the Mexican Dividends by the last West Indian packet, has caused the Mexican Bonds to be heavy; but business in them has been unimportant The defeat of the Ministry in the French Chambers has given a check to the rise in French Railway Shares. Paris and Orleans and the heavier varieties declined at first from 1/. to 3/. The share; and though the markets are more firm, they have not yet recovered. The minor Shares are without material fluctua- tion; and though very extensive business is of daily occurrence in them, the variations and price have been unimportant. In our own Railway Share-market, speculation seems for the present diverted to those lines now under consideration Tthe Board of Trade, or undergoing Parliamentary scrutiny. The decision on esday in favour of the Direct Northern 'and Cambridge and Lincoln lines has caused an improvement of about V. in each of them, and decline of between 3/. and 41. in the London and York. The prices of today are respectively. nearly in the proportion just mentioned; though the excluded line seems reviving, in ex- pectation of its being yet. successfully carried through Parliament. Churnet Valley, South Wales, Cornwall, Caledonian, and Shrewsbury, Rugby, Wolverhamp- ton, and Birmingham, have all been in great demand during the week, and con- tinued so to the end of the day's business. Money, although elsewhere abundant, is in great demand at the Stock Exchange; interest, at the rate of from 10 to 15 per cent being readily given to carry over Stock and Shares from the next moonlit, on the 17th instant, to the end' f the month.
The only circumstance worthy notice connected with the English Funds is the occurrence of a bargain in Bank Stock for Account, at 2174, being an advance of ' 14 per cent upon the last price. In other respects, the quotations both of English and Foreign Stocks are unchanged.
The business in Railway Shares has been as important as usual; as will be seen ' by the following record of business occurring. The more important French lines are heavy, in consequence of the depression in Paris on Thursday. Some of our own minor undertakings are improving. Birmingham and Gloucester, 1311 24; Bristol and Exeter, New Shares, 6 ; Bristol and Gloucester, 58 ; Caledonian, 8/ $ i; Cambridge and Lincoln 64 4; Chester and Holyhead, 81 1; Chrirnet, 64 4 i; Cornwall, 41 51; Diret Northern, 41 4; Eastern Counties, 214 4; Ely and Bedford, 21; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 111; Ditto, Extension, 74; Great North of England, 188; Ditto, New, 41; Great Western, 176 7; Ditto, Half-shares, 101; Ditto, Fifths, 3911; Brighton, 641; London and York, 314; Midland, 138 140; North Kent, 34; Rugby, Worcester, and Tring, ' 44; Shrewsbury, 6/ 51; South-eastern and Dover, 424; York and North hlid- ' land, 1024; North Wales, 21; Great Grimsby 31 1; Armagh and Coleraine, 211; ' Bordeaux and Toulouse, 21; Ditto, Ditto, and Cette, 21; Orleans and Bourdeaux, 94; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte,) 4; Paris and Orleans, 51 50; Paris and Rouen, 44; Paris and Strasburg, 21. SATURDAY, TWO tectoca.
The only variation occurring in the English Funds is in Bank Stock, which has been done for Account at 215, and since at 216. The Foreign Stocks are generally the same; Portuguese Converted Bonds being more in demand. '
The following bargains have occurred in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the mornin6: Bristol and Gloucester, 133; Churnet Valley, 7; Dies and Beccles, 2; Eastern Counties 21; Eastern Union Extension, 4 31i Great Western, Fifth-shares, 404; Hull and Selby, 954; Ditto, Half-shares, 19; Birmingham, 233; Ditto, Third-shares, 441; Ditto, Quarter shares, 314; Brighton, 64165; South- western, 79; London and York, 31 1; Manchester and Birmingham, 65; Mid- land, 140; Norwich and Brandon, 174; West Cornwall, 4; Bourdeaux and Tou- louse, 24; Ditto and Cette, 24; Great Northern of France, 6 51; Orleans and Bourdeaux, 91; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte,) 34; Ditto, (Gamieron,) 214.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced..
per Cents
Long Annuities Bank Stock....for Account Exchequer Bills prem. India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilhui 6 per Cents 994 4 100 1 shut shut shut 215 217 65 7 shut 90 2 101 2 100 2 Columbian ex Venezuela • • Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per coats Ditto 4 per Cents Belgian 24 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Ditto Deferred
Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 BRuseliummuttn(5ApectiryCer 5tsper Coati
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
14 4 89 91 631 1 99 1 601 1 364 4 164 17 86114 304116 84
401 4