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THE Queen held a levee, at St. James's Palace, on Wednesday. Her Majesty and Prihce Albert arrived in state from Buckingham Palace. The Duke of Cam- bridge was present. In the general circle, the Lord Advocate was presented, on his appointment; and Sir Henry Pottinger, on his return from China. Among other presentations, were those of Mr. Horace Twiss on his appointment as Vice- Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster; Mr. Frederick Goulburn, the new Commissioner of Customs; Captain St. Patrick Lawrence, on his release from captivity in Afghanistan; Captain Sir John Franklin, and some other officers, on their appointment to the Arctic Expedition.
After the levee, the Queen gave audience to the Marquis of Westminster, who returned the insignia of the Garter worn by the late Marquis; and to Sir George Grey, who returned the insignia of the Bath worn by the late General Sir Henry Grey.
- her Majesty then held a Chapter of the Order of the Thistle; the Knights Brethren present being the Earl of Aberdeen, the Earl of Rosebery, and the Earl of Mansfield. James Duke of Montrose was elected a Knight of the Order, re- ceived the accolade from the Queen, and was invested with the insignia.
The Queen and Prince then returned to Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday. Aali Effendi, thelate Turkish Ambassador, had an audience, on taking leave; &trim Effendi, the new Ambassador, on presenting his credentials. Audienc6 was also given to the Earl of Aberdeen.
Sir Robert Peel had an audience on Saturday. Select dinner-parties have been given at Buckingham Palace. On Tuesday, the Grand Dutchess of Baden and the Duke of Wellington were among the guests; on Wednesday, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and Aali Effendi; yesterday, the Dutchess of Gloucester, and the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Dutchess of Meeklenburg-Strelitz. On Thursday there was also an evening-party, at which the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar were present.