Palmas has been invited to join the Conference at Paris, and the step no doubt means some decisive change in the position of the Plenipotentiaries. It might be open. to No interpretations,— either that the interests of Russia are rising, which is scarcely -consistent with the confessed decline of her resources ; or that the Plenipotentiaries have proceeded so far with their work that final arrangements only have to be settled. Prussia could be in- vited to sign, but not to discuss ; and the Conference may be approaching the stage. of affixing the signatureS.-- Pressed by questions in Parliament, Lord Palmerston has explained, that Prussia is admitted because the Conference has arrived at a point Connected with the passage of the Dardanelles' and Prussia is a party to the treaty of 1841 on that subject. Further he could not explain : it was one of the first rules adopted at the Conference that the proceedings should be only known by their results. It would seem that we are on the eve ef the results.