A Handbook of Hygiene. By G. Wilson, M.D. (J. and
A. Churchill.) —Dr. Wilson is the medical officer of the Convict Prison at Portsmouth, and his experience, together with a very careful study of the results of observations in sanitary matters, have qualified him to write a very complete treatise on his subject. Such topics as the space required for the proper accommodation of tho sick, the relative value of foods and their influence on health, ventilation and warming, water supply, and the removal and utilisation of sewage, demand the attention of every head of a family. Dr. Wilson deals with thorn, as it appears to us, very satisfactorily. Books of the kind must have their use, though the apathy, blindness, and selfishness of the governing class—which in these matters, it must be- remembered, is practically the lower middle-dass- makes the progress of improvement- very slow. Even now we are see- ing medical officers of health appointed to do the whole work for a county ! They might as well be appointed to do it for all Europe.