The extraordinary sensitiveness of the French Assembly was well illustrated
in a debate of March 11th. The Marquis de Franclien, a member of the extreme Right, made a violent speech against M. Thiei's, declaring that the Legitimists had been cir- cumvented at Bordeaux by 'a " man whose fatal influence had made him the evil genius of the country." The confusion became immediately indescribable. The President called the speaker to order, and formally censured him, but so great was the excite- ment that it was found needful to adjourn the sitting to another day. It is nearly impossible for representatives so susceptible to debate at all. Every remark is resented like a personality, and a stinging epigram or a rough criticism destroys order as cer- tainly as an alariniof fire. Members nowadays avoid " loud " attacks like M. de 'Franclieu's, but Pitt must have listened to language more bitter, and Mr. Disraeli attacked Sir R. Peel in language far more incisive.