A SHELTER,—spent and tempest-driven Mid winter's strife,—
I sought, and found the boon of Heaven, Eternal life.
'Oh Word, how is thy truth confessed !
Who seeketh part, shall find the whole; I asked but for the wanderer's rest, And found the traveller's goal.
I asked some kindly door to ope for My weary head ;
The heart IA Love I dared not hope for. Stood wide instead.
• Oh Word, how is' thy truth confessed !
Who sues for little, all has won ; I, that would be thy winter-guest, Was thy beloved son.
Hear us, great God of Might, Hear us, great God of Right, Lord of all War,—in Heaven !
Father, we pray and praise ; Father, we kneel and raise 'Thanks for Thy freedom given.
Mutter all Hell and moan, God, Thy strong arm alone Lies with a blow strikes down : Lord of Sabaotb, lead !
One Lord in three indeed; Lead to the victor's crown.
Lead us! fall all we have Deep in the darkling grave, Praise to Thee—praise even then :
Through Thine own judgment-hour: Almighty Chief—Amen ! I love thee for that love thee, dear, I must ; I love thee, for 'twas so my lot befell ; I love thee by some Heavenly arrow-thrust; I love thee by the working of a spell.
Thee love I as the rose, sweet, loves the briar; Thee love I as the Sun his light on high ; Thee love I, life-breath of my life's desire ; Thee love I, whom to love not is to die.