Mr. Dixon-Hartland, M.P. for Evesham, made a very un- fortunate
attack on Mr. Chamberlain's appointments of officials under the new Bankruptcy Act, in the House of Commons yesterday week. He affirmed that of the sixty-seven appoint- ments made, fifty-one were Liberals, of whom nineteen had been election agents ; that the Departmental Committee under which the President of the Board of Trade "sheltered himself " had been in daily communication with him for three or four years, and that one of them had been "rewarded for his services by the appointment of his own Bon as Official Receiver ;" that the Official Receiver at Ipswich had been one of the Birmingham Eight Hundred who had followed Mr. Jesse Collings to Ipswich, and had previously had to ask the indulgence of his creditors at Birmingham ;•that the Attorney-General's official agent had been given the appointment of Receiver at Taunton ; and that Mr.
Chamberlain's own election agent in his contest for Sh effield in 1874- had been given the appointment of Official Receiver at Sheffield ; while Sir William Harcourt's election agent had been appointed at Derby. " Believing that the Liberal Party had done more • in this matter to corrupt political life than anything against which-the Corrupt Practices Act was directed, he begged to move the resolution which stood in his name."