A Smaller Latin-English Dictionary. By William Smith, D.C.L., and Theophilus
D. Hall, M.A. New Edition. (John Murray.)—This new edition of the "Dictionary for Schools" exhibits in many respects considerable improvements. First and foremost of these is the thorough revision of the etymological portion of the work. Dr. Ingram, of Dublin, has undertaken this, and his name is a sufficient guarantee for its excellence. The spelling has been made to harmonise with the best authorities. Certainty cannot be obtained in this respect ; indeed spelling fluctuates in the most trustworthy manu- scripts ; still, there are many points that may now be regarded as finally settled, about which the practice of forty years ago was certainly erroneous. A matter of detail of some importance is the translation of many of the examples given ; it is a concession, and probably a useful concession, to the idleness, or, it may be, the excessive occupa- tion of learners. We are not sure that the plan of a separate index for proper names is a good one ; but it is certainly good to increase their number. We like the arrangement under separate headings of such words as magis. Logically, of course, it course, it comes under the heading of magnus, but practically it is better by itself.