We have received an edition in one volume of Charles
Kingsley : his Letters, and Memoirs of his Life. Edited by his Wife. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—It is abridged from the cabinet edition, itself an abridgment of the original life. This latter, it is interesting to know, had reached a thirteenth edition in 1879 (Canon Kingsley died in 1875) ; and the cabinet edition has also reached a thirteenth edi- tion. The original life is not, we understand, to be republished, and should become a book of some value.—The Laws concerning Public Health, edited by W. Robert Smith, M.D., and Henry Smith, M.B. (Sampson Low and Co.), a large octavo of more than eight hundred closely-printed pages. "A mighty maze," possibly "not without a plan," are these same laws. Tables of contents and a copious index help to make them a little plainer, but we should be glad to have a comprehensive view pf the action and bearing of the whole. We may hope, from a hint in the preface, that this may yet be forthcoming.— May's Press Manual for 1884 (the seventh annual edition).—Nursery Hints, a Mother's Guide in Health and Disease, by Nathaniel Edward Davies. (Chatto and Windus.)