The Home-rule Party in Parliament have been reinforced by the
arrival of the Brothers Redmond, who reached Queens. town last Saturday from Australia. They had been collecting funds for the National League, and had established, they said, some three hundred branches of the League. One statement of Mr. John Redmond's is remarkable, both for what it does say.and for what it does not say :—" He hoped that at home a vigorous and uncompromising attitude would continue to be shown, and that crime and outrage would be suppressed, as from what he had seen in Australia and. America, he was con- vinced that if crime were committed, it would alienate from Ireland the sympathies of other nations." We are extremely glad to hear it, having indeed supposed that amongst the Irish in America it was not so ; but is that the only reason why Mr. John Redmond deprecates crime and outrage P Has he nothing to say on his own account against it 'P Is it only because it diminishes the subscriptions to the funds of the League, that he so entirely discountenances it ?