15 MARCH 1957, Page 20


SIR,—I am amazed to find the Spectator giving space —for the second time—to a grossly disagreeable attack on Lord Noel-Buxton. Mr. Evelyn Waugh's cantankerous and undignified article some time ago at least had the solitary virtue of an amusing title; the 'verses' of Mr. P. G. Wodehouse—always one of my favourite authors—seem to me to have no virtues whatever, either of form or content. Why' print them?

I am not acquainted with Miss Nancy Spain, but I have known Rufus Noel-Buxton for a number of years. Mr. Waugh and Mr. Wodehouse quite ob- viously have not this pleasure. If they had, they would know that in the length and breadth of England it would be difficult to find anyone less de- serving of these spiteful attacks than this courteous, kind, intelligent and rather diffident young peer.— Yours faithfully,