Sir: I am glad you have printed Mr Carter's letter
(8 March). English native opinion has had little chance to make itself properly heard on this subject.
A trickle of alien immigration began in 1956- 57, broadening rapidly into a torrent. The Mac- millan government did nothing to stem the flow, it did nothing to allay the fears all intelligent people immediately felt. Neither did the opposi- tion parties. The personal wishes of the people of this country were not consulted then, nor have they since been sought out. On the con- trary, there has been a conspiracy of silence so far as politicians and most editors are con- cerned. At election times we hear earnest appeals that immigration be excluded from dis- cussion to avoid 'bad feeling,' prejudice,"dis- crimination' and all the rest of the ideological brickbats with which we are assailed. A matter of fundamental social and historical importance for the future of this country is officially ig- nored, is treated as if it did not exist. It will shortly be an offence even to pen so mild a
complaint as is here put forward—a situation without parallel, hardly credible in a supposedly sane and free community.
What rouses my distress and indignation so much is that the English have never been asked if they desire a multi-racial society here. The thing has been foisted on them by rulers too timid or silly, ton idle or shortsighted, too irre- sponsible or downright malign to place obstacles in its way. And we. sheep that we are, have groused in private and publicly let matters go by default. Serve us damned well right.
John Palmer 44 Shaef Way, Sandy 1.ane, Teddington, Middlesex