Injurious Taki
Sir: Do any of the editorial staff read Taki’s outpourings prior to publication? This week’s rant (High life, 8 March) about the NHS should have received closer scrutiny before going to press. By his own admission, Taki has never had to go to a hospital in Britain. His views on the subject are therefore, at best, second-hand. Lord Mancroft’s recent unfortunate outburst is of dubious veracity and cannot be used as support for Taki’s opinions.
There is a rigorous NHS complaints pro cedure to help dissatisfied patients, including Lord Mancroft. A letter to the local hospital is an appropriate first step. If unhappy with the outcome, patients can then discuss their complaints with the Healthcare Commission: misusing a platform in the House of Lords benefits nobody. Taki would be taken more seriously if he visited a few hospitals in this country and awaited the conclusion of any Healthcare Commission investigation of Lord Mancroft’s complaint. In the meantime, his musings amount merely to so much drivel.
Craig Goldsack
Chairman, Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, London NW1