The Queen Dowager has sent to the Reverend T. Bridges a donation of 251. towards the erection of a cathedral in the capital of Newfound land.
The King of Hanover has transmitted to Mr. Meadows, through Sir Frederick Watson, a donation of 501. for the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund.
A grand dinner was given by the Royal Naval Club to Commodore Napier, on Monday, at their house in New Bond Street; Admiral Sir Philip Durham in the chair. Covers were laid for sixty. Dr. Short has been appointed to the vacant see of Sodor and Man. The new Bishop will not be entitled to a seat in the House of Peers, as is the case with all the other English Bishops.
It is stated that Lord Palmerston and Sir John Cam Hobhouse will be immediately raised to the British Peerage.
Lord Arthur Lennox has written a letter to the Morning Post con- tradicting a report that the family of the Duke of Richmond had gone into mourning for Lord Fitzroy Lennox, who was a passenger on board the President steam-ship.
The following telegraphic despatch, dated Bayonne, 12th April, with- news from Madrid to the 8th, is published in the French papers-
" The Chambers voted this day the question of the Regency. By 153 to 136 votes they decided on a single Regent. By the second vote the numbers were declared, for Espartero 179, Arguelles 103. Espartero was therefore elected sole Regent."
The marriage of the Grand Duke Alexander of Russia with the Grand Dutchess Maria Alexandrowna took place at St. Petersburg on the 28th April ; and by an Imperial manifesto of the same date, it is decreed that the Grand Dutchess shall in future bear the title of Cesarewna.
The latest accounts from Constantinople, to the 20th April, in the Austrian papers, announce that the Porte had listened to the represen- tations of the Four Powers, and had granted Mehemet All the here- ditary government of Egypt in a direct line, a diminution of the tribute„ and a right to appoint his own naval and military officers up to the rank of Colonel.
The Semaphore of Marseilles, states that the Persian Envoy at Con- stantinople has officially notified to the Porte that the differences be- tween his Government and that of Great Britain have been terminated tO the satisfaction of both parties.
The New York Sunday Morning News of April 18th gives the fol- lowing extract of a letter,-dated Jamaica, 4th March 1841-
" We have now a new cause of confusion, excitement, and speculation : a few days since two large British steam-frigates, fully armed and equipped, arrived and anchored in Port Royal harbour. Yesterday two more of these formidable visiters made their appearance, and the four are now anchored in the proximity of the fort. The destination of this fleet is not known : indeed, it is kept a profound secret, 1 think, from even the island authorities. From recent demonstrations and movements, however, it is most probable that an attempt is shortly to be made to wrest the island of Cuba from the Government of Spain."
Rumours about the President are _ still current, and one wears an air of considerable plausibility. The following was postid at Lloyd's on Monday—" A large steamer under canvass, no steam, was seen on the 10th April in lat. 13 North, long. 23 West, standing North-west, by the Lord Saumarez, arrived at Deal." This was supposed to have been the Earl of Hardwicke East Indiaman, from Calcutta; which is fitted up as a steamer, but generally uses canvass. Others have sup- posed it to be the President ; and Dr. Smith, the Manager of the British and North American Steam Navigation Company, wrote a letter to the Morning Post on Tuesday, in which he says that he has consulted the log of the Hardwicke, which has arrived in the East India Docks, and that be finds it could not have been seen at the time and in the place passed by the Saumarez. This has been confirmed by a letter from Captain Henning, the commander of the Hardwicke ; who says that he was 400 miles from the place on the 10th April. Besides, the steamer seen by the Saumarez had a large funnel, whereas the Hardwicke has a very small one.