Mr. Arthur Anderson has issued an address to the electors of Orkney and Shetland, in which he professes to aim at their emancipation from the Influence of the Earl of Zetland. Mr. Frederick Dundas has written a letter to the Horning Chronicle, denying the charge of "family domina- tion," and referring to the results of previous elections as showing its non- existence.
A number of leading distillers, brewers, paper-makers, tobacconists, wine-merchants, and spirit-dealers, met in Edinburgh last week, to take measures for reforming the Excise-duties. A variety of speakers moved re- solutions setting forth the injustice and impolicy of the Excise-laws, and their arbitrary nature; and a resolution was ultimately carried, "That, without reference to party politics, an extensive association be formed, to be called the National Association for the Reform of Excise Abuses, for the purpose of endeavouring to secure the return of Members to serve in Parliament who will use their influence to get the abuses complained of removed." Mr. Augustus Haig headed a subscription with a preliminary donation of 1001.
The funeral of Sir Walter Scott, the last of the Minstrel's family, took place on Tuesday week, at Dryburgh Abbey. Though it was intended to be private, there was a long funeral procession which was met by the tradespeople of Melrose attired in mourning; and the shops in the district 'were all closed. Mr. Walter Scott Lockhart was the chief mourner; and the Duke of Buecleuch was present.
Typhus fever is raging to an unprecedented extent in Dundee. We have been informed that the deaths in the Infirmary have amounted to the extraordinary average of forty a day.—Edinburgh Weekly Journal.