15 MAY 1852, Page 1

There is no abatement in the gloom that hangs over

the Cape colony and the, adjoining regions of South Afriett. Sir Harry Smith has replied to the 'shabby and aplenetindespatch which in- formed him that the' late Colonial Seeretary had•throivii him over- board, and attempted to attribute to him alone mistakes for which the principal was more res nsiblelhan the subOrdinate, with calm dignity, and has held on the even tenour of his way ; thus evin- cing consciousness of having sincerely acted to the best of his judgment. The progress of the war certainly does not weaken the impression that his judgment has been -erroneous;, but the moral dignity of 'Sir Harry Smith is unimpaired, whatever be the opinion of his sagacity. The enemy on the frontier has not been matenny weakened or discouraged; peace is apparently as remote as ever. As to the introduction of local representative government, which was desired with so much longing as a guarantee for the restoration of internal confidence and tranquillity, it appears to be more remote than ever. By command' of Government, the, nominee Council had reluctantly proceeded to 'pass into a law the Constitution recommended by the Imperial Government, accepted by the colonists, approved of by all the local officers of Government except the Colonial Secretary ; and the &ere- . tary and his nominee Councillors have passed the Constitutional Ordinance, but in so doing, have doubled the amount of thepro- prietary electoral qualification, and thereby vitiated the e to- tive•Legislature. The insolent defiance of Colonial' public opin- ion on the one hand, and : of the mandates of the Imperial

Government that appointed them on the other, shown by Mr. Montague and his tail, has never been surpassed ; and the conse- quences, if they be SA peremptorily checked and punished, Way be fatal.