ittattro out' 311uoir.
One of those serio-comic afterpieces, by which an audience is made first to laugh at the oddities, and then to sympathize with the misfortunes of an old k renchman, largo in heart but low in pocket, has been produced at the Princess's, under the title of A Lucky Friday. Here the Gaul, who has passed through the several avatars of Monsieur Mallet, Monsieur Jacques, tcc., is an intensely respectable cashier, with the most venerable white hair, thelnost comical dread of Friday, and the most acute sensi- bility ; but all these interesting peculiarities are insufficient to prevent him from dipping his hand into his employer's strong box and abstracting a number of bank-notes. The actor has now to exhibit despair in addi- tion to the other phases of character ; and thus nearly all that a theatrical Frenchman can do or suffer is done and suffered by our eaalliPr. The name of Mr. Wigan, who has made a special study of Gallic dialect and sentiment, is of itself a sufficient guarantee that the part is played to per. fection. We may add, that in adapting the piece from the French, be has scarcely been less successful. He has transferred the scene of action to England without making the act of transfer apparent, and has written his dialogue with great tact and care. That the reader may have a stimulant to go and see this meritorious little drama, we shall not state whether the Frenchman is consigned to the Old Bailey, or whether the story ends happily.