15 MAY 1852, Page 19



Observations on the Social and Political State of Denmark, and the Duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, in 1851: being the Third Series of the Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of the European People. By Samuel Laing, Esq., Author of the First and Second Series of "Notes of a Traveller," &c.

The History of the Later Puritans ; from the Opening of the Civil War in 1612, to the Ejection of the Nonconforming Clergy in 1662. By J. B. Marsden, M.A.

Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition in the year 1850-51. By Lieutenant Sherard Osborn, commanding Vessel Pioneer.

On Mundane Moral Government ; demonstrating its Analogy with the System of Material Government. By Thomas Doubleday, Author of the "Financial History of England." Political Elements, or the Progress of Modern Legislation. By Joseph Moseley, Esq., B.C.L. The Pastors in the Wilderness : a History of the Huguenots, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to the Death of Louis XIV. By N. Peyrat. In three volumes.

Our New Parish ; its Privileges and Progress. By Harriet E. Fourdri- flier, Authoress of "Hints for Happy Hours."

Electoral Pacts, from 1832 to 1852, impartially stated. By Charles R. Dod, Eaq., Author of "The Parliamentary Companion," &c.

[" Facts " are the title, and faces are the contents of this useful and timely volume. Carefully selected, skilfully adduced, furnishing knowledge to the statist and particular information to the politician, Mr. Dod's Electoral Facts is a book for any period, and more especially valuable at the present "crisis" as the phrase used to run when there was nothing very critical. It might be called the Parliamentary Gazetteer; for every place returning a Member is alphabetically presented, with the very essence of its general and Parliamentary statistics, as well as indications of those mysterious doings which cannot be reduced to tabular form. The topographical particulars of the plates returning Members are neatly and tersely presented to the reader. The amount of population, the real property assessment to the Income-tax, and the average rental, are also brought before him. With these are exhibited more direct electoral facts,—the qualifications of the constituency.; the number of registered electors ; the polls of the differ- ent elections sines the Reform Bill ; the circulation of newspapers of different politics, where any are published ; and last, but not least, the na- ture of the "influence." These particulars, though very briefly stated, are sometimes so conclusive and often so suggestive, that a speculator, with the Electoral Facts before him, could return, not perhaps the Member, but the politics of the Member. Altogether, it is a remarkable book, and one which no amount of research or labour could have produced without a Parliament- ary experience like Mr. Dod's, of twenty years.]

Waverley Novels. Volume L Waverley. (Library Edition.)

[The Waverley Novels are now under the auspices of Messrs. Black, of Edinburgh, to appear in a library edition, after having been pub- lished in every variety of form and price, from the established three volumes at a guinea and a half down to the same work with illustrative notes in a single volume for a crown or less money ; and circulated, in this country alone, to the extent of one hundred and twenty thousand copies, be- sides no one knows how many in America. The specimen volume before us is a goodly octavo, solid in form without being bulky, and having the air of a standard book, without looking so grave as a homily or a history. The type is clear, the paper good, and the illustrations a medium between blank- ness and the expensive decorations which render the writer subordinate to the engraver. The library edition will contain "all the latest corrections of the author, with some curious additions, especially in Guy Mannering and the Bride of Lammermoor.")

A Smaller ClassicalDictionary of Biopraphy, Mythology, and Geogra- phy. Abridged from the larger Dictionary. By William Smith, LL.D. Illustrated by two hundred Engravings on Wood.

LSeven years ago, Dr. Smith produced an abridgment of his Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; an indispensable book for the student, as containing the results of modern research on subjects that were little han- dled in scholastic books, while mythology might be found in Lempriere. Re, however' was getting superseded even for pedagogues, as well in manner as in view. To supply his place is the object of the present publication, like- wise abridged from Dr. Smith's larger Dictionary ; and it is well adapted for its purpose. The abridgment has been carefullyperformed ; by means of a small but very clear type a great deal of matter is put into little compass ;

i and the eye s impressed by numerous wood-cuts, drawn from the best re- presentations of the subjects to be illustrated.] Foliorum Centuries: Selections for Translation into Latin and Greek Prose, chiefly from the University and College Framination Papers. By the Reverend Hubert Ashton Holden, MA. Fohorum Silvula : Selections for Translation into Latin and Greek Verse, chiefly from the University and College Examination Papers. By the Reverend Hubert Ashton Holden, M.A.

[The primary object of these volumes is to furnish tutors of colleges and masters of schools with a selection of passages in prose and verse, to be tamed by students into Latin and Greek. The want of such a collection suggested this compilation to Mr. Holden while engaged in teaching at his own College: the selection consists of passages either actually translated by him- self, or taken from the examination-papers ; and furnish a very catholic series of extracts from ancient and modern writers. In fact, the volumes might advantageously be used as library commonplace books, as well as for the object for which they are published.]

The Brand of Dominic : or Inquisition, at Rome "supreme and uni- versal." By the Reverend William H. Rule, Author of "Memoir of a Mission to Gibraltar and Spain," &c.

[A history of the Inquisition from a Protestant point of view: not that the atrocities of that tribunal can well be exaggerated, but the philosophical explanations of many of its proceedings may be left out of sight, and every- thing ascribed to a Scarlet Lady, rather strongly coloured. In other respects, Mr. Rule's is a well-arranged compilation, drawn chiefly from original au- thorities, and very often in their own words. The proceedings of the Do- minicans in the South of France and in India, as well as in Italy, and the most popularly known place for autos da fe—the Peninsula, are given.]

The Morning Watch ; a Narrative.

_Estelk ; a Poem, in six cantos. By Theta. Ardor, and other Poems. By the Reverend Edward Widt Culsha, B.A. Afghanistan. By Thomas Anson. [The Morning Watch and Estelle are rhapsodies, not elearly-presented narratives ; the story being overwhelmed by a haze of words, not badly sounding in either ease, but wanting distinctness and purpose. The Morning Watch is a sort of allegory about life and religion ; and the author, apparently conscious of his indistinctness in verse, adds a prose synopsis of his story in an appendix. It is an importation from America. Antal, ill clearer in the narrative, but it is an incongruous mixture of the horrors of the slave-trade and an incident in the life of Antar, the Hercules of the East. Afghanistan is the incidents of the war versified, from the success- ful outbreak at Cabul to the final triumph of the British. There are ISOBIO attempts at poetic art, by such old and obvious contrivances as a council of Afghan chiefs ; but the execution is prosaic to a degree.]

The Island of Alderney ; its Early History, Antiquities, Present State, Scenery, Customs, and Trade ; being a Companion and Guide for the Traveller. By Louisa Lane Clarke.

[A couple of pages contains the commercial directory of Alderney, and a few more pages exhaust the sights of the little island, cows included. The book, however, is varied and extended to some hundred small pages, by legend, historical notices, or anecdotes, remarkable inhabitants, wrecks, and so forth.]

The Preparation of Long-line, Flax-cotton, and Flax-wool, by the Clausen; Processes ; to which is appended, Claussen's System of Bleaching Fibres, Yarns, and Fabrics. By John Ryan, LL.D. Illus- trated by Engravings. [A. species of pamphlet in the form of a book. It is intended to defend the originality of Claussen'a patented invention for adapting flax to the purposes of cotton ; recommending the plan, and describing the processes.]

Homeopathy and the Homeopaths. By J. Stevenson Bushnan, M.D.,


The Jesuit in India ; addressed to all who are interested in the Foreign Missions.

A Journal kept during a Summer 1her, for the Children of a Village School. By the Author of "Amy Herbert," &o. In three parte. Part II. From the Lake of Constance to the Simplon.

NEw &Just Lauren's Merchant's Magazine, Statist, and Commercial Review. Edited by B. H. Strou.sherg, No. I.


The liffk ; its Uses and Advantages in War, in the Volunteer Service, and in Sporting pursuits. By Long Range.

A Guide to the Californian and Australian Gold Regions. By H. Gib- son.

The Flax Movement ; its National Importance and Advantages. By the Chevalier Claussen.

Short History of the Electric Clocks ; with Explanations of their Principles and Mechanism. By Alexander Bain, Pateutee.

Third Annual Repert of the Williams Secular School.

Cheap Books, and How to Get them. Being a reprint from the West- minster Review for April 1852 of the Article on "The Commerce of Literature." By John Chapman.