Tuesday, May 11.
PARTNERSIIIPS DISSOLTED.-Watson and Parkhouse, Southwark, hop-merchants- pickup and Lord, Green's Mill, Bacup, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-Goulton and Co. Hemingbrough, Yorkshire, flax-retters -A. and F. Hammond, Piccadilly, hosiers-Devin and Hunt, Frith Street, Soho. diamond-work-manufacturers-Smith and Lewis, Kew, schoohnistresses-Toomy and Kitchen, Leeds, auctioneers-Bax 3nd Pearson, Bishopsgate Street Without, corn and seed merchants- M'Tear and Vining, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Wickham and Brooke, Bristol. wine-merchants- Becket and Young, High Street, Islington, tea-dealers-The School, Governess, Family, and Clerical Agency, Soho Square-Stott and Co. Halifax, worsted-spinners -C. and F. Newman, Poole, drapers-M•Kenna and Turner, Sunnyside, Salford, manufacturers-Knight and Willoughby, Nottingham, tallow-chaudlers. BAsxnuercv Ausroiszu.-JOEN HAWORTH, Burnley, Lancashire, cotton-spinner. BANKRUPTS.-GBoRoE MANLEY WEITIERFIELD, Gresham Street, scrivener, to sur- render May 21, June 25: solicitor, Monday, Lancaster Place. Strand ; official as- signee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-Rimisnia HADLAND. St. Helen's. glass-manufacturer, Kay 17, June 15: solicitors, Dodge, Liverpool; Hayward, Birmingham; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Joss HENRY COLLINS, Halifax, draper, May 28, June 25: solicitors, Brierley, Halifax; official assignee, Young, Leeds. DivIDENDS.-June 3, Fraser, Great Suffolk Street, draper-June 4, Arnold, Elmore, Gloucestershire, timber-dealer-June 2, Norris, Beverley, innkeeper. CERTIFICATES.-7b be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 2, Steel, Fenchurch Street, tailor-June 3, M•Culloch, Liverpool, draper-June 3, Wharton, Hartford, Cheshire, wine-merchant-June 4, Copeland, Liverpool, merchant-June 4, Cadman, Derby, grocer. DECLARATIONS OF DITIDENDS.-Molkentin, Minories, shoe-manufacturer; first div. of 10d. May 15, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court,. Simmonds, Brighton, grocer ; first div. of 2s. 8d. May 15, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wilkinson and Bentley, Liverpool, tailors; first div. of 4s. 7d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Cole, Birkenhead, estate- agent ; first div. of Is. 101d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Pryde and Jones, Liverpool, sail-makers ; first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of J. Gibb; first div. of 2s. 844. on the separate estate of G. Pryde; first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of D. Jones ; any Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool - Jackson, Notting- ham, butcher; first div. of 4s. 74. May 14, and four subsequent Fridays; Bittleston, Nottingham-Thompson, Belper, draper; first div. of 98. May 14, and four subse- quent Fridays; Bittleston, Nottingham-Glad win, Nottingham, draper ; first div. of Is. May 14, and four subsequent Fridays ; Bittleston, Nottingham-Baynes, Leeds, flax-spinner; first div. of Is. 844. any day ; Young, Leeda-Broadbent, Saddleworth, woollen-manufacturer ; first and final div, of led. on new proofs only, any Monday or Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONEL-Hutchison, Glasgow, minibus-proprietor, May 14, June 4-Latta jun. Glasgow, merchant, May 17, June 7-Pettigrow, Blantyre, Lanark- shire, grocer, May 19, June 9.
,Friday, May 14. PARTNERSHIPS Dissor.vsn.-Peace an4 Raddenberry, Westbury, Bristol, florists- Clegg and Lewis, Liverpool, chemists-Salmon and Goutley, Edgware Road-Thomas nad Richards, St. John's Wood, builders-Flower and Lewis, Limehouse, cheese- mongers-H. and W. Beatty, Leamington Priors, carvers-S. and T. Shore. Totness, millers-The Bromfield Coal Company, Mold, Flintshire-Squires and Lawrie. Deptford, naphtha-refiners-Lewis and Co. Whitehaven, maltaters-Robinsou and Co. Leeds, stuff-printers-Jobbling and Fleming. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, attornies- Rush and Edwards, Ipswich, stay-makers-Gibson and Co. Leeds, cloth-merchants; far as regards W. J. Anson-J. and J. Lord, Halifax, dyers-I. and J. P. Holden, Manchester, architects-Fielding and Co. Manchester, bleachers-Lambe and Co. Wakefield, chemists-Hunt and Son, Evesham, builders-prodger and Son, East- bourne, plumbers-Burgess, Brothers, Leicester, woolstaplers ; as Sir as regards W. Burgess-Gordon and Co. Derby, silk-throwsters -The-Alliance British and Foreign Fire and Life Assurance Company ; as far as regards W. Lennie. BAssaorrcum ANNULLF.D.-JoHN WILKINSON, Nottingham, brace-manufacturer -THOMAS YOUNGMAN, Old Street Road, draper. BANKRUPTS.-ROBERT WHITE and Joss BOWLER, Gloucester Street, Curtain Road, scalehoard-cutters, to surrender May 22, June 26: solicitors, Norton and Son, New Street, Bishopsgate; official assignee, Whitmore, BasingliallStreet--TsomAs THANE, Buckingham, innkeeper, May 28, June 26: solicitor, Risley, Mecklenburgh Square ; official assignee, Whittnore, Basinghall Street-James ABSET.L, Cambridge Place, Hackney Road, upholsterer, May 22, June 26: solicitors, Norton and Son, New Street, Bishopsgate; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-J °seen Os- BORNE, Leigh, Essex, butcher, May 21, July 3: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; Woodward, Billericay ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-EDWARD DUEBIsts, Colchester, brewer, May 21, June 22 : solicitors. Wire and Child, St. Swithin's Lane; Barnes and Neck, Colchester ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Fnu- DERICS Gnats MONsARRAT, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, wine-merchant, May 21, June 25: solicitors, Lin klaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Stan sfeld , Basinghall Street -STEPHENS TRIPP, Serjeant's Inn, scrivener, May 25, June 14: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street-HENRY BANKs, Bethnal Green Road, carpenter, May 25, June 29: solicitors, Jones and Clarke, Bury Street, St. James's ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Wic- LIAM BOHLEN and Fussell; PARKER HoBLYN, Cambridge, surgeons, May 25, Jnne 29: solicitors, Linklater. Sise Lane, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court, Basinghall Street-Turmas HEAD, Hanley, Staffordshire, apothecary, May 24, June 14: solicitor, Cowdell jun. Hinckley; official assignee, Bittleston, Bir- mingham-WILLLtat COLLINS, Marlborough, draper, May 27, June 24: solicitors, Sole and Co. London; official assignee, Hutton, BARNARD FRANK- Ian, Hull, linen-draper, June 2, 23: solicitor, Bell, Hull ; official assignee, Carrick, Hu11-117aAm BBOADBENT, Dukinfleld, grocer, May 27, June 17: solicitors, Darnton, Ashton-under-Lyne; Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester, DIVIDENDS.- June 4, Fuller, St. James's Street, wine-merChant-June 4, R. and R. Billing, Reading, brickmakers-June 10, Miller, Conduit Street West, Paddington, corn-dealer-Jane 10, Dawson and Williams, Crescent Place, New Bridge Street, wine-merchants-June 4, Cundall, Old Bond Street, publisher-June 4, Phillips, Crowland, Lincolnshire, brewer-June 5, Ridge and Newland, Chichester, bankers- June 4. G. and T. Hart, Union Street. Southwark, trimming-manufacturers-June 4, Walker and Webb, Oxford Street. india-rubber warehousemen-June 11, Holmes and Marshall, Sunderland, timber-merchants--June 9, Patteson, Gateshead Fell, earthen- ware-manufacturer-June 8, Coates, Sunderland, wine-merchant-June 11, Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker-June 11, Nicholson, Kendal, drover-June 8, Rider, Birmingham, jeweller-June 11, D. and J. Shaw, Almondbury, manufacturers. CERTIFICAT1113.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 4, Branch, High Street, Camberwell, corn-dealer-June 5, Dormor, Charles Street, St. John's Wood, grocer-June 5, White, Southampton, dealer in china -June 8, Staner junior, Margate, baker-June 15, Long, Vere Street, Oxford Street, importer of foreign lace-June 10, Couchman, Strood, grocer-June 8, Peacock, Gates- head, carpenter-June 8, Ogilvie, Newcastle-upon-lyne, ship-broker-June 10, R. H. and E. Bell, South Shields, paper-manufacturers-June 7, Hitchmough, Liver- pool, corn-dealer.
.DECLARATIONS OF Drvinnarns.- Clark, Bear Garden, Southwark, plumber; first rliv. of Is. 84. 15th,May, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court -Jearrad jun. Oxford Street, carpenter ; first div. of 3s. 3d. May 15, and three sub- sequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Davy, Newman Street, artists'-co- 'unman; first div. of 20s. May 15, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Mouat, Creed Lane, wine-merchant ; first div. of Is. 104. May 15, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Cox, Cambridge, chemist; Scat div. of 4s. 84. May 15, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane -Robinson, West Lynn, grocer; first div. of Is. 64. May 15, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Nesbitt and Co. Aldermanbury, merchants ; seventh div. of led. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Taylor, Liver- pool, ship-broker; div. of Is. 94. May 19, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Padgett, Idle, cloth-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 64. any day ; Young, Leeds-Thorman, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, engine-builder ; first div. of Is. May 22, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Peverley and Chad- ton, Sunderland, ship-builders; first die. of 7. May 15, or any subsequent Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SCOTCH SEIACEST/LATIONS.-Ii.Kenzie and Son, Edinburgh, jewellers, May 18, June 8-Tough and Son, Glasgow, sail-makers, May 20, June 8-11nrie, Perth, spirit- dealer, May 20, June 17.