Cht Sttrupulis.
The Lord Mayor's banquet at the Mansionhouse, on Saturday, had features of political interest. The company was the pith of the Conserve- five party, with the Ministers at its head ; graced, however, by the pre- sence of the Duke of Cambridge, and a few among the long list of Mem- bers of Parliament whose Conservatism is decidedly Liberal—as Mr.
Walter and Sir Robert Peel ; and the Earl of Derby took the opportunity to "intermingle more or less of politics," both foreign and home, with "those hours of social enjoyment." The toast to which he spoke was that of "the Earl of Derby and her Majesty's Ministers" ; and he justified at the outset the reference to poli- tics which pervaded his whole speech. "It is peouliar, not only, indeed, to this country, but to all constitutional governments, that more or less of politics intermingles with our everyday concerns, meeting us at every turn of our domestic life, and even necessarily encroaching somewhat upon those hours of social enjoyment and intercourse during which public men are still subjected to a species of responsibility, and during which and through which companies such as that which I have now the honour of addressing have the means of exercising an unofficial but not powerless influence, to control, to encourage, to excite, and to reward those who may be engaged in the honourable and laborious duties of per- forming the service of their country." Passing through other topics, he presently alluded to the gratifying circum- stance of "so large a representation present of those Foreign States which are now happily in unity with this country " ; and went on to improve the incident in this wise. We accept it as a mark of adhesion to that policy which professes an absolute and entire nonintervention with the internal affairs of all other countries, and the determination also to leave unexhausted no effort—if the case should arise—by friendly exertion and by friendly in- terposition, to prevent the possibility of the `disturbance, in any quarter of the world, of the general peace which now exists. My Lord, it may be that in various portions of the world there are elements of internal discord, and elements which may threaten the spreading of that discord beyond their own boundaries, which may defeat the best intentions of the most peaceful states. I do not believe—I do not venture to hope—that we have arrived at the Uto- pian period when any nation can safely or justifiably deprive itself of the means of internal organization for its own national defence ; but this I do believe, and of this I am confident, that throughout Europe and throughout the world there is a general desire on the part of all nations to extinguish at once the slightest spark which may appear to threaten external convulsion or to endanger the general peace. Of this I am sure, that if there be an appear- ance of hostility or of angry feeling arising in any quarter, the exertions of all countries will be used, not, as in less enlightened times, to fan the flame, in the hope of obtaining some remote and individual advantage, but to put a friendly extinguisher upon the first elements of strife, and to interpose for the prevention of misunderstandings which may at any time arise; and I am quite confident that if, without provocation, any one power, either through the misconduct of its own government, or through the pressure of its own people, should be so unwise as to make a hostile or unprovoked aggression, that power would be met by the unanimous reprobation and remonstrance of the civilized world. I am confident also that there is an enlightened feeling arising now among all governments and among all nations—that there is a growing conviction that their interests, their honour, their welfare, and their real glory, are better promoted by developing their internal resources, by fostering the domestic industry of their people, by promoting the enjoyment, the wealth, and the prosperity of their subjects, than by any dreams of mili- tary glory, however brilliant, or by any prospect of aggressive conquests, however tinseling. At this moment, I may mention as an illustration, that we arc engaged with a great and powerful neighbour, whose military prowess all the world acknowledges, and of whose prowess we have ourselves had great experience, not in those hostile armaments which have formerly deluged the world in blood, but we are engaged in a united effort, by united councils, in endeavouring by peaceful negociations to extend, not for our own indi- vidual benefit, but for the benefit of the world at large, the sphere of peace- ful commerce through the interior of the vast continent of America ; and in this peaceful labour our councils are undivided."
From foreign politics he turned to what lay nearer his heart—the equivo eel position of his own Government, and the distrust among Protectionists known to have been excited by Mr. Disraeli's speech on the Budget. "Not many days have elapsed since a right honourable friend of mine, in a speech which fully and amply refuted the unworthy notion that a man of wit and genius cannot grapple with the ordinary details of statistics—that a man possessing high ability, a vivid imagination, and great eloquence, cannot master the driest commercial and financial topics—most ably and most elo- quently demonstrated to an admiring House of Commons the great progress which our trade and commerce have made in recent years, and showed how the reduction of duties imposed upon foreign commerce has produced a largely increasing consumption, and consequently greatly increased enjoy- ment on the part of the consumers, without affecting the revenue. There was one point, however, which my right honourable friend in that able speech did not touch upon, and properly did not touch upon, because it did net belong to the fiscal and financial branch of the subject, to which his at- tention was then properly and exclusively devoted. But although he did not touch upon that topic, it is one which I conceive no Government ought to lose sight of in estimating the social and political condition of the country— namely, not only the prosperity and the advancement of commerce, but the effect which may be produced on the condition in which we may find those large classes which, unconnected with commerce, are yet an element of our strength, as being mainly producers, though they are also consumers. My Lord, a Government charged with the administration of the affairs of this country would ill deserve the confidence of any portion of the people, if it confined to the interests of a single class the attention which is due to all, or if it deprived a single class of that share of its attention which it is bound impartially to afford to all ; and the problem which every Government has to solve is, how to reconcile apparently conflicting interests, so that, while giving no undue advantage to one class of our fellow-citizens over another, it may promote the interests of all, and by mutual concessions and mu- tual compromises may blend the interests of all in one harmonious whole. In fact, the whole system of government in every constitutional country is a system of compromises and concessions,—not of undue compromises, not of unworthy concessions, not of compromises of principle for the sake of expe- diency, but of compromise between conflicting expedience, and mutual concesaione between upparently conflicting interests. The whole system of our constitution is one great compromise. The Throne itself is based upon a compromise between arbitrary monarchical power and
those befitting and dignified restrictions which are imposed by consti1.
tional governments upon the minds of monarchs. Our House of Lords is a compromise between an hereditary exclusive aristocracy and a body ear_ taking of the advantages of the institution of nobility at the same thois that it is enabled to claim this great advantage, that it is daily, or at least yearly and perpetually, recruited from the ranks of the people_ thus blending the aristocracy and the commonalty. The House or eetn mons is a system of compromise between that influence which is ex- ercised by the higher classes of society and the restrictions imposed by par. tial exclusion, between those elements on the one side and the democratic power of the people on the other, by which ample and full means are given to the expression of every popular sentiment and of every popular wish. The Church of England—long may Providence preserve it to us a corn. promise, and a most valuable compromise, between the unrestrained power of spiritual dominion and the absolute dependence of the clergy upon the caprice of the flocks over whom they are called to preside. Our whole sys. tern is a system of compromises, and he best administers the arduous post of conducting the vast and complicated affairs of this great empire who knows how fitly to adjust the various portions of the great machine, involving this complicated machinery of mutual checks and balances, by the removal of one of which the action of some other part might perhaps be more rapid, but the whole machine would be disordered and disarranged. It would, my Lord, be an easy task for a Minister to avail himself upon every occa- sion of every gust of popular opinion—to scud before the gale, and to congratulate himself upon the rapidity of his progress, reckless and re- gardless in what direction that gale is blowing, and whether it is bearing him upon a lee-shore, or upon a dangerous rock, with the more certain destruction the more rapid may be his progress. But the aim of the noble science of statesmanship surely must be 'to use the popular elements as the valuable breeze which fills the sails—not setting your course in the teeth of the wind that blows, nor scudding blindly before it, but avail. ins yourself of that breeze to speed you on your destined course, and with a steady hand upon the wheel, and with mind and eye fixed upon one single object—the safety of the good ship, the crew' and the priceless cargo—to con- sider, not the rapidity of your progress, but the certainty of the course you are pursuing. Then, by the application of the doctrine of opposing forces, let the wind blow from the North or from the South, the steady hand at the helm may speed the vessel on her destined course, whether that course be East or West. My Lord, I well know that such a course is not that which at all times will secure to the Minister who pursues it the greatest amount of momentary or of popular applause; but I have that opinion of my coun- trymen, that I am certain they will more consider the steadiness of the course than the rapidity of the progress. They will look to the object which the Government have inhand ; and if they see them proceeding in their own course steadily and determinedly, availing themselves, no doubt, of popular favour, but neither courting nor blindly following the passions of the mo- ment, I am convinced that in the long rune Minister pursuing snobs course, even if he should at times partially fail, will obtain the approval, and ulti- mately the confidence, of his countrymen."
The toast of the Foreign Ambassadors was acknowledged by Count Walewski, in a short French speech, which made specific the reference to French politics conveyed by Lord Derby's general phrases.
"Monseigneur my Lord Maire, Mesdames, et Messieurs—Je viens vous re- mercier an nom de mes collegues, presens et absens. Le Corps Diplomatique, dent j'ai rhonneur d'être rorgane aujourd'hui, cat toujours heureux de se trouver reuni aux princes de Is maison Royale et aux Idinistres de eaMajeste la Reim; votre gracieuse et magnifique hospitalite, my Lord Maire, lui en fournit une occasion dent il s'est empresse de profiter. La presence d'ailleurs dans cette enceinte des representans des puissances etrangeres eat is preuve Is plus palpable des relations amicales qui existent al heureusement entre Is Grande Bretagne at le monde entier. En vain certains alarmistes out cherche jeter le trouble dans les esprita, et a faire croire, au commencement de cette annee, que r horizon politique se couvrait de nuages. Ces ma- lencontreux pessimistes n'ont trouve que tres pea d'achos, et, des l'ouverture du Parlement, dans lea deux chambres, des vole ffioquentes et justement considerees (turning towards Lord Derby) out fait bonne jus- tice de leurs values declamations. Non, je n'hesite peal raffirmer, rhonson politique ne s'obscardt d'aucune cote; reloquent discours d'ailleura que vows venez d'entendre ne peut vous laisser 1 cet eg,ard aucune espece de doute. Quant a In France en particulier, jose esperer qua les Mimstres de sa Ma- jeste la Reine id i presens.(turning towards Lord Derby and Lord Malmesbury) ne me contrediront pas sr jassure I aucune epoque les relations entre rAneleterre et Is France n'ont etc d'une nature plus aatiafaisante, et qua jamois les deux gouvernemens no sent mieux entendues sur la solution de toutes lea questions pendantes aussi bien dans rancien que dans is nouveau monde. rai la confiance d'être le &Tele interprets des sentiment; de MN collegues du Corps Diplomatique en ferment des souhaits sinceres pour que de longues annees de pan viennent ajouter encore I la prosperite touyours crois- sante de cette ancienne corporation de la cite de Londres, que vous presides si bien, my Lord Maire."
Mr. Disraeli was called up to answer for" the House of Commons, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer."
In returning thanks for the Commons, he said—" Ihardly think I have any right to do so, for I have no claim to any preeminence in that House ; but I may truly say of that House, and I may say of my brethren in it, of contrary opinions to those I hold, that the House of Commons is a true re- public : I believe it is the only republic that exists. (Lzugleter.) It is founded upon the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity—(Renertai laughter)—but liberty there is maintained by order, equality is mitigated by good taste, and fraternity takes the shape of cordial. brotherhood." And so on, with compliments to the City, the Lady Mayoress and daughter.
Among the other speakers were the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Northumberland, Lord Combermere, and the Attorney-General.
The numerous May meetings during the past 'week include some of the leading demonstrations of that class. At the forty-seventh anniversary of the British and Foreign School Society, in the School in the Borough Road, on Monday, Lord John Russell presided; and the Earl of Carlisle and Viscount Ebrington made speeches. Chevalier Bunsen and family and the Baroness Rothschild were present. The report stated that the funds have improved and the schools increased.
At the yearly meeting of the Protestant Association, in Exeter Hall, oil Thursday, the Earl of Roden presided ; and Mr. Hugh M'Neill and Sir J. Paul were the principal speakers—in a strain of the stoutest Anti- Itomanism. Among the resolutions passed was this one-
" That, as it is manifestly a departure from all sound principle and con- sistency that Protestants should propagate Popery, by paying for the edu- cation or support of a priesthood whose object is to disseminate that re- ligion, against which we protest as anti-social, anti-national, anti-Christian, and idolatrous, this meeting desires that all grants of public money for the port ofof Popery in any shape may be withdrawn, more especially that to maynooth College ; and that in order to this desirable end, it is highly iin- rotiant that the nature of the education there given should be thoroughly Investigated."
The hundred and ninety-eighth anniversary meeting-of the Sons of the Clergy, in St. Paul's Cathedral, on Wednesday, went off well. The grand choral service by the united choirs of the Metropolitan Cathedrals and of the two Royal Chapels performed with grand effect. At the usual dinner in the evening, in the Merchant Tailors Hall, the company included the Archbishop of Canterbury, Many Bishope, the Lord Mayor of London, and several Members of the House of Commons. The Bishop of London made interesting reference to the fact that he and the Lord Mayor were fellow towntmen, of Bury St. Edmunds, and left their native places nearly together, in a humble way, as brother Whittingtons. The sum accruing fecal this year's celebration was the largest ever known--15201.
The fifty-eighth anniversary meeting of the London Missionary Society, was held at Exeter Hall, on Thursday, under the Lord Mayor. The in- come of the year had been 65,3164 and the expenditure 72,8301.
Prince Albert, on Tuesday, laid the foundation-atone of a Training In- stitution for masters and mistresses of the schools of the National Society in Victoria Street, Westminster. The cost of the building will be 25,000d, and the site has cost 14,000/. more. • The project of the Reverend W. C. Dowding to revive the College at Bermuda for the West Indies and the West generally, for which the ce- lebrated Bishop Berkeley obtained a charter, was discussed on Monday at a meeting in the rooms of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The Archbishop of Canterbury presided; and several Bishops, Lord Lyt- telton, Sir Robert Inglis, Sir Page Wood, were present. On the motion • of the Bishop of London, it was resolved, that the information at present possessed on the subject is not enough to proceed upon ; and that it would be well to obtain information from the Bishops of the West Indian dio- ceses, before taking steps towards reviving the College, At the sixty-third anniversary of the Royal Literary Fund, on Wed- nesday, Lord Campbell presided effectively; and, after stating that he owed his success in law to the fostering aid of his labours in litera- ture, he held out hopes that he may yet live to produce a work which shall give him a better title to a name in literature than he has yet earned. Pleasant speeches were made by Justice Talfourd, Mr. Monekton Mikes, Chevalier Bunsen, Mr. Abbott Lawrence, and especially by Mr. Thacke- ray, who improved the event of the coming year of the society's exist- ence—that Mr. Disraeli M.P. is to be chairman of the anniversary of 1853. The funds of the past year had been 6001. more than in any former year.
At the anniversary dinner of the Artists Benevolent Fund, on Satur- day, Sir Charles Eastlake presided. The public contributions of the year had been 4504, including the hundred guineas which the Queen now re- gularly subscribes. The anniversary of the establishment of the Hahnemann Hospital, where disease is treated on the homceopathic system, was celebrated by a dinner at the London Tavern, on Monday ; the Earl of Wilton presiding, in the absence of his brother Lord Robert Grosvenor.
The Young Men's Christian Association had a public breakfast, in Freemasons Tavern, on Tuesday; the Earl of Harrowby presiding. The eighth anniversary of the New Asylum for Fatherless Childrki, was celebrated by a festival in the London Tavern on Tuesday ; Mr. Peto M.P. presiding.
At the yearly meeting of the Sailor's Home and Destitute Sailor's Asylum, in the museum of the Institutions in Well Street, London Docks, .dalmiral Bowles presided. The receipts of the year had been 58951.; the boarders received had been 4745.
At the sixth yearly meeting of the Domestic Servant's Association, in the Hanover Square Rooms, on Tuesday, Lord Robert Grosvenor pre- sided; and Lord Lifford and the Reverend Joseph Brown were speakers. The operations and means of the society were satisfactorily increasing.
At the yearly dinner of the Philanthropic Farm School supporters, Mr. Gladstone M.P. presided ; and Lord Lyttelton, Sir W. doliffe, Mr. Ad- derley, Mr. Monckton Milnes, were among the company. The farm ex- periment had been "very encouraging in its results "; giving returns which allowed some ten per cent return on the capital involved in it. The eighth yearly meeting of the Ragged School Union was held at Exeter Hall on Monday, under Lord Ashley. At the first anniversary, in 1845, there were 20 schools and 200 voluntary teachers ; now, there are 110 schools, 1650 voluntary teachers, 200 paid teachers, and 10,700 chil- dren.
At a meeting of trades delegates, in the Bell Inn, Old Bailey, on Wed- nesday, the secretary reported that a deputation had waited on the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer on Saturday last, to call his attention to the at- tempt of the master engineers to subvert the law allowing labouring en- gineers to combine for regulating wages and the hours of labour, by re- quiring their signature of a declaration against such combination, and to request he would present and support a petition to Parliament on the subject. Mr. Disraeli gave encouragement in his reply.
The Crystal Palace has been purchased for 70,0001. by Mr. Laing, the Chairman of the Brighton Railway Company, and some other gentlemen, chiefly co-directors of the railway, for reerection on a site at Sydenham, from which railway communication will be opened with the stations at London Bridge and Vauxhall. "Crystal stations" will be built in London, Where passengers will enter, as they did at the Hyde Park Palace, by turnstiles, there making a small payment that will frank them into the ralare and back again; and special trains will convey the passengers every five minutes. The daily papers have paragraphs in glowing antici- Patory description of the charms of this new People's Palace; where the Visitors are to wander "through groves of orange-trees and date-trees, 1.__!11,11ns and aloes, among luxurious and ever-flowering shrubs, azaleas," "steFing to the murmur of fountains surpassing those at Versailles, or to music unsurpassed at the Operas or at Exeter Hall.
?IL Alexandre Thomas, Professor of the University of France, and editor of the Journal des Ddbats in the time of its high repute under the last Monarchy and the honourable Republic which succeeded it, but an e-lale under the present Usurpation, is delivering a series of lectures,
(Cmference;) to distinguished audiences in Rooms. His subject
at the first of them, on Tuesday, was the establiehmeat Of MottarelaY ig France, during the reign of Louis the Thirteenth.
Judgment in the Wagner Case was given by Vice-Chancellor Parker on Monday. The Vice-Chancellor said, that the case had been so got up as to make the Court feel that all the materials were not before it ; and that., no doubt, in what was presented there was a considerable amount of conflicting Matter. The case for the defendant was, in the first place, that the claw in the agreement restricting Mademoiselle Wagner from staging anywhere without Mr. Lumley's permission was introduced without authority, and that it formed no part of the contract; secondly, that if introduced with au- therity, it was unfairly introduced, by practices disentitling Mr. Luiuley to the assistance he now asked of the Court ; and thirdly, that the plaintiff failed in the performance of the money-clause in the agreement. With re- gard to the fine point, the Court had no doubt that up to the time when the clause was introduced by Dr. Becher at Paris to correct what be called the "mistake" made in omitting it at Vienna, the clause was not a part of the contract; it had been repeatedly and conclusively objected to by the Wagner!, and it was introduced by Dr. Becher without authority. But, on the other hand, without deciding on the conflicting matters of the case, the Court had no doubt that the subsequent conduct of the Wagners was not only an acquiescence in but an adoption of the contract as modified by the insertion of that clause. The letters of the Wagners themselves, which asked and obtained an extension of the time fixed for their performance of their part of the contract—relating to the day of Mademoiselle's first appearance in London—conclusively proved that. They repeatedly refer to the contract existing between themselves and Mr. Lumley, and binding each of them - and as no other contract but the one containing this clause had been signed by Mr. Lumley, it nece-sarily followed that this clause was adopted. With respect to the mode of obtaining the insertion of the clause, the Court was of opinion, after weighing all the facts established, that there was nothing unfair in that mode, and that there was nothing unfair in the clause Sonic such clause seems to be a matter of course in such cases; and the objections urged against this one were only to its comprehensiveness : but Dr. Becher very truly urged, that the restriction to sing without Mr. Lumley's consent might be useful to Mademoiselle herself if she wished not to do so; while there was no reason to suppose that Mr. Lumley would have interdicted her in any way to injure her fortunes, so long as he obtained the services for his own theatre which he had engaged. The clause was not an absolute prohibition ; and the young lady, without any impropriety, might under it have asked and obtained Mr..Lumley's per- mission to sing at private concerts. With regard to the third point, the Ceeetithought that the payment of the 3001. was not a condition precedent, neagftry to be fulfilled at its precise day beforehand, but an independent clause, that was dispensed with by the consent of the parties themselves. The clause was to pay 3001. by the 15th of March. But on the 10th of March the Wagner& themselves asked for an extension of the time for Mademoiselle's debt:4 and Mr. Lumley instantly granted the extension. The letter making the rest obviously enlarged the time for paying the money ; even if the time frii paying it was originally a condition precedent, which it was not. And at that time, the 10th of March, Mr. Lumley swears that Dr. Becher had 400/. of Mr. Lumley's in his hands. Several other communications fol- lowed, in the course of which the Wagners asked and obtained a further ex- tension of the time-for Mademoiselle's appearance in London to the 15th of April. In some of those letters the payment of the money was specifically alluded to. Dr. Richer swears that he wrote expressly offering to pay the money : Mr. Wagner says the letter did not refer to pay- ment of money ; but he does not, as he might, produce the letter before the Court. The result of the correspondence was, that the Wavers add they would arrive in Hamburg on the that day in Passion-week ; and it is a fair understanding of the letters that the money was to be paid there also. The Wagners arrived in Hamburg. It does not appear on which day pre- cisely they arrived; but it does appear that on the very first day of Passion. week, when they said they would arrive, they were already negotiating with Mr. Gye, on the assumption that the contract with Mr. Lumley was at an end; and on the 6th they made a notarial protest a Must Mr. Lumlev's non- performance of the contract by not paying the 3001. on the 15th of March. The Court was of opinion that Dr. Becher had the money ready to pay it ; that there was nothing in the nonpayment to justify the Wagners from throwing up their contract with Mr. Lumley, and making a new one with (lye; and that Mr. Lumley retains to this time his right of action on the contract.
The injunction restraining Mademoiselle Wagner from singing at Mr. (lye's theatre must therefore be continued.
Mr. Bacon applied for the costs; but the Court said they must be "coats in the cause,"—that is to say, they must abide the ultimate and perhaps re- mote end of the proceedings. The defendants have served notice of appeal for the 224 instant, the first day of the coming term.
Among the additional letters which have now appeared in the case, there is one written by Mademoiselle Johanna to Dr. Becher from Bad Soden, on the 18th August last; by which the spirit of the writer's pen, and her kind V relations at that time with her correspondent, are well shown.
"My dear Friend—You are right and wrong; as I am always accustomed to your scolding me, and have even the impertinence to call me idle! That I may not be- come too prolix, I will briefly say. Rejoice over a new chapter when we meet, you
terrible detractor' I beg you will not put on a satirical face—do you under- stand me, friend Becher? Are not you angry 7—I think not. Your letter convinces me of the contrary. You are an excellent man—that all must allow; and during the whole of my life I should sot wish for a better charge d'affaires than Dr. Becher. You could not manage your own business better. A thousand thanks for the kind interest you take in me, my dearest friend. I only wish I was as clever in every
respect as you think me. To undeceive you would be terrible for both Have you written to papa a letter to Dobesan similar to the one you wrote to me, as you promised to do? All the rest, concerning money matters, I leave entirely to you you will manage them better than anybody else for your child."
At the Central Criminal Court, on Wednesday, Thomas Cathie Wheeler was placed at the bar, to be tried for cutting off his mother's head. He pleaded "Not guilty," in a wild shout. The Jury were first charged to de- termine if Wheeler understood the nature of a plea of "net guilty " ; and after evidence from a medical man, and from the prisoner's uncle, they found that he was not soundminded enough to understand the plea, and had in fact been insane for years. Wheeler will be detained in custody during her Ma- jesty's pleasure. Mellish and Douglas were tried the third time, for conspiracy to defraud their employer, Mr. Thompson. On the first trial both were convicted; but after that Douglas "confessed" and absolved Mellish ; and the latter being tried again, was acquitted by &Jury who "gave him the benefit of a doubt." On the present occasion both were acquitted. Frederick George Elwee, "a dissipated-looking youth," was convicted of stealing four diamond rings, and was sentenced to be imprisoned twelve months. Elwes is an unworthy son of a most respectable gentleman of col- legiate repute, now dead. Richard Ambler, who held himself out, near the New Road, as a surgeon andacconchaur, was found guilty of attempts to violate a young girl an in- mate of the House of Charity in Rose Street, taken to him by another inmate of that institution, whom he had seduced, and bribed to act in base conspi- racy with him against her virtuous oompanions. He was sent to prison for eighteen months.
Two persons were brought before the Bow Street Magistrate on Saturday, charged with writing threatening letters to the Earl of Derby.
John Middleton, an elderly Irishman who rendered service to Government some years ago by giving valuable evidence before a Committee on Irish Fisheries, and was rewarded in a manner which he deems insufficient, was charged with writing to Lord Derby, " Wo betide those who refuse me jus- tice " : it appeared that he considered he was entitled to 859,0001. and had got but 2001. Being obviously of unsound mind, he was placed in kindly custody for the present. William Stuart Sheridan, a former offender in the same way, was charged with a more distinct threat : he asked restitution to an office in the Reele.e, with a reminder of "the fate of the lamented Mr. Perceval." For his for- mer threat, which was against Lord John Russell, he was held to bail: he was now sent to prison till he could find two good sureties for his keeping the peace during twelve months.