15 MAY 1852, Page 8


The first visitation of the Queen's College in Cork was held in the Examination Hall on Tuesday. So far as the progress of the students is concerned, the results were very satisfactory to the visitors. But some note of internal grievances was raised by the presentation to the visitors of a memorial signed by Professor Boole and several members of the Medical Faculty, against certain acts of the President, Sir Robert Kane, which the Professors feel to be encroachments upon their independence and dignity.

The preparations for the "national" exhibition at Cork go on well, persons of eminence and influence readily contributing to the subscrip- tion-list. Prince Albert, as he has been assured that the exhibition is not to be local or provincial but really national to Ireland, has sent 100/..

A riot of extraordinary violence and determination raged in Cork Work- house on Sunday last. Two inmates, Houlahan and Corcoran, who were sen- tries at one of the gates, smuggled a bottle of whisky through a hole in the wall; and being discovered and ordered to give up the contraband, they dis- obeyed, and assaulted the master. Informations were made against them, and a chief constable, with two policemen, went to arrest them. They were found in their wards, surrounded by a crowd of men, women, and children, from the midst of whom they defied the constables, and told them to " come- on." The constables having laid hold of Houlahan, the whole posse of the inmates set upon them so ferociously that they were driven back seriously hurt. As they retreated from one part of the building to another, they were strengthened by the officers of the Workhouse ; but the rioters were strengthened by a far greater accession from the other inmates. In a little time the whole pauper strength was up in arms ; and the officers were driven into one or two retreats of tenable strength, and there regularly besieged. The outer gates had been locked, to keep out the mob who were gathering outside, and a messenger was sent for a large body of police. When these arrived, they found the mob outside preparing to storm the building, and join the rioters inside; and these outside symPe- thizers were only dispersed by a charge of levelled bayonets with loaded fire- arms. The police entered, and were instantly attacked by a crowd of able- bodied women, who yelled for the blood of the master, and fought like de- moniacs. Every window of the building was crowded with other rioters, who threw down bricks (which had been piled about for purposes of build- ing) with such force as to smash the great paying-stones of the court. The police were getting the better of the rioters inside, when the gates of the building were burst open, and the outer mob broke in. Some of the women headed them, and the fight was renewed with greater and more general vio- lence than before ; the women rushed among the horses of the mounted po- licemen, and suffered themselves to be ridden over, still fighting. But at last discipline overcame the brute strength of numbers, and the rioters were driven into various portions of the buildings where they could be held in check. Two detachments of military, infantry and dragoons, arrived ; and with their help the mob was completely. subdued. The military did not leave the place till five o'clock next morning. Two of the rioters received bayonet wounds, a great number very severe hurts : several of the police were very seriously wounded by the missiles thrown at them. The iurni- t ure of the Workhouse was totally wrecked. A, revolting outrage has been committed at Kilcatten, in Derry : some mis- creant set fire at night to a detached sheep-house belonging to Mr. Ogilby, d sixty sheep and lambs were roasted to death. Mr. Ogilby is a kind- hearted employer; but he is also a Magistrate, and has had to issue sum- marises against some evil-doers.