The upward course of the English Funds has received a decided check from two equally disturbing causes ; first, the unsettled condition of the present Ministry, and secondly, the sudden renewal of purchases of gold on Parisian account ; the result of Mr. Cardwell's motion may temporarily remove the first of these, but the transmission of gold to Paris continues in daily, operation. The near approach of the shutting of Consols for the divi- dend had caused considerable speculation for the rise, and Consols advanced to 934 buyers ; but the circumstances before named have caused a reaction to the extent of / per cent, and the market remains sensitive to any kind of rumours political or otherwise. The money market continues easy ; the public continue to mike investments, and the Commissioner makes daily purchases to a moderate extent ; but it is not considered probable that the Bank Directors will think it prudent to disturb the existing rate of 3 per cent in the discount department. Consols opened on Monday 97k, and have since drooped to 971 971, the closing quotations. Exchequer Bills, 36 41; Reduced, NI 967,. Bank Stock, 221 223. There has been a great deal of animation throughout the whole of the past week in the Foreign Stock Market, and most stocks have advanced, although the highest prices have not been maintained. The fluctuations have in some instances been considerable; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents rose at one time to 881 buyers, they have, however, since receded 11 per cent ; but there is still every appearance of a better market, and a higher quotation is generally looked for. Venezuela Bonds are rather flatter than last quoted, the price being 37 3S, with a not very good market ; other things are also somewhat heavier today ; but business has much increased the last fortnight, after a long continued dulness. Russian closes 111 113 ; Mexican, 201 20:1- ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 87 88 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 61 62 ; Turkish Six per Cents, 961 97; Turkish, 104 104' ; Venezuela Active, 36 37; Venezuela Deferred, 144• 1.5; Grenada Active, 20 21; Buenos Ayres, 811 821. Victor Emmanuel, 75 751 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 44 44/. An average amount of business has been done in the Railway Share Market, the variations have been from 108. to 15s. per share, prices closing this afternoon at a decline upon those of last week, of from 5s. to 20s. per share all round ; today there has been little activity manifested except in the business effected to meet the half-monthly settling. The principal lines leave off as follow—Midland, 921 924 ; London and North-Western, 931 931 London and South-Western, 478 481 ; Great Western, 541 553,..; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 911 92 ; Caledonian, 428 428 ; London and Brighton, 107 108 ; South-Eastern, 201 21 ; Great Northern, 26 261 ; North Stafford- shire, 41 41 discount. The Indian Market is particularly flat in conse- quence of unsatisfactory news from India, and some fresh issues of shares pending. East Indian, 108 109; Great Indian Peninsula, 21 211. The French Market remains excessively dull, no cause, however, being assigned. Paris and Lyons, 30 301 ; Northern of France, 37 371 ; Paris and Stras- bourg, 241 25.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 12th day of May 1858.
Motes issued £31,493,105 Government Debt .C11,015,100
Other Securities 3.469,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 17,018,103
Silver Bullion
£31,493,105 Proprietors' Capital E14,333,000 Government Securities (fiwl--
Rest 3,207,191 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). Z9,526,563 Public Depowts• 2,749,169 Other Securities 15,211,033
Other Deposits
15,213,836 Notes 11,113,810
Seven Days and other Bills... 877,552 Gold and Silver Coin 779,602
436,631,038 £36,631,038
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.
BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. £3 17
9 Mexican Dollars 0 6 Of Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11
METALS. Per ton.
Copper, Brit. Cakes £107 Iron, Welsh Bars.... 6 10 10 0 ..
0 ..
0 0
10 0 Lead, British Pig ... 25 0 0 .. 23
5 0
Steel, Swedish Keg.. 22 0
0 .. 0 0 0
The National Provincial Bank of England has declared a bonus of 10 per cent, making a distribution of 18 per cent for the past year.
Mr. Chambers, former Manager of the Unity Bank, has apologized to the Directors, and retracted charges he had made, in order to stop an action which the Directors had instituted against him. It is said that the prospects of the bank are improving.
The Assam Tea Company have declared a dividend of 9 per cent for the past year-1 per cent more than in 1856. The report of the constantly in- creasing crops of tea was very encouraging : this year it is expected that 765,000 lbs. will be produced, worth 70,125/.
Messrs. Ricardo have advertised proposals for London subscriptions to a Swedish loan of 1,228,5751., to be raised for the construction of railways. The interest is to be 41 per cent, and the price is to be 941 per 100/.
The efflux of gold from England to the Continent continues. In the week ending Wednesday, it is computed that nearly half a million was withdrawn from the Bank for exportation. But gold continues to arrive in this country from Australia and elsewhere, and large amounts are doe.
The Corn-market has again given way : on Monday there a fall of is. per quarter. Red wheat was quoted as low as 39s.
The North of Europe Steam Company have now sold sufficient ships to enable them to pay off all the creditors of the Company. The chief portion of such property as may remain will, therefore, when realized, be returned to the shareholders.
No great change is reported from the manufacturing districts. In some places there is a slight tendency to improvement ; in others business is " dull," or " inactive."
The Committee of the House of Commons on the Victoria and Pimlico Station Bill have declared the preamble proved. It will be recollected that this scheme if carried out would give a real West-end terminus for the southern and western railways.
A meeting of creditors of Calvert and Co. was held on Tuesday ; and it was resolved to carry on the business under inspection with a view to liqui- date claims. The firm hold 359 public-houses ; a forced sale of these would be disastrous to Calvert and Co., and injurious to the trade generally. The depositors are 369 in number, including forty-four societies. The original cause of Messrs. Calvert's difficulties was their entering into speculations in the wine trade in 1846, when they began to mortgage their property.