15 MAY 1897, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I see that you state the fire in Paris took place on Wednesday, May 5th, not on Tuesday, the actual day. I enclose a statement, translated from to-day's Figaro, which may interest some of your readers.—I am, Sir, So., " Sister Marie Madeleine, a member of the Community of the Blind Sisters of St. Paul, and one of the victims of the Paris catastrophe, said that very morning before going to the Bazaar to several Sisters and in presence of the almoner, M. l'Abbe Stiltz, 'This evening I shall be brought home, having been burnt alive.' M. l'Abbe Delamane, cure of Notre Damo des Champs, vouches for the truth of this story, and adds that this Sister has long enjoyed a reputation for great saintliness."