15 MAY 1897, Page 25

Natural History of Australia. By F. G. Aflalo. (Macmillan and

Co.)—This is a most readable and entertaining zoology of Australia. It is not in the least dry, and it contains the Australian fauna in proper classification, with a variety of notes and personal observations such as a sportsman would make on the species described. The isolation and peculiarities of the Australian fauna are well brought out, and some of the miscon- ceptions spread by popular writere are cleared up for the benefit of those whose only acquaintance has been with such inaccurate descriptions. We recommend Mr. Afialo's book to the young naturalist heartily, for it is just what he wants, well arranged and clearly written, and striking points in the fauna of that remarkable continent are accented and brought home to the

reader. It forms an admirable introduction to more elaborate, but of course more technical, works.