15 MAY 1897, Page 26


Adams (D. 0, 0.), The Saints and Missionaries of the Anglo-Saxon Era, First Series, or 8vo (Mowbray) 5/0 Alexander (Mrs.), Mrs. Orichton's Creditor, or 8vo (F. V. White) 6/0 Allen (A. X.), Gladys in Grammarland, 4th (Roxbarghe Press) 2/6 Armour (If.) and Another, Thames Sonnets &Semblance., 4th (B. Mathews) 5/0 Bedford (Doke of), A Great Agricultural Estate, or 8vo (J. Murray) 6/0 Berwick (J.). The Secret of Saint Floral, or Svo (Macmillan) 6/0 Bonner (G. A.), The Law of Motor Cars, Hackney and other Carriages, 8vo (Stevens & Sons) 7/6 Bosanquet (B.), Psychology of the Moral Self, or 8vo (Macmillan) 353 Bottome (H.). A Sunshine Trip, or Svo (B. Arnold)) 4/6

Brass (A.), Atlas of Human Histology, 4to (Bailliere 31/6

Broughton (R.), Dear Pandit's, or 8vo (Bentley 6/0 Burnham (3.), Chips from My Log, or 8vo (Baptist Tract Society) 3/6 Clarke IQ.), Imperial Defence, 8vo (Imperial Press) 5/0 Cooke (3. H.), Heave'', cr 8vo (Baptist Tract Soo.) 2/0 Barley (G.), Nepenthe : a Poem, 12mo (B. Mathews) 2/6 Dimock (B., N.), Vox Liturgae Anglicanae, 8vo (E. stook) 4/0 Dowden (E.), The French Revolution and English Literature (K. Paul) 7/8

Dowden 8vo den (J.), History of Theological Literature of the Church of England, or

(13.P.O.K.) sio Doyle (A. C.), Uncle Berns.% cr (Oro (Smith & Elder) 6/0 Drake (S. B.), Among the Dark-Haired Race in the Flowery Land...(R.T.S.) 2/0 Purse (G A.), Military Expeditions beyond the Seas, 2 vols. 8vo ...tOlowes 15/0 Haweis (Mrs.), A Flame of Fire, or 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) CO Hawke (W. H.), The Premier Cypher Telegraphic Code, 4th (E. Wilson 10/6

Rester (G. N.), The Annals of England in Verse &Rhyme (Chapman & Hall) 3/6

Ibbett (W. 3.). A West Sussex Garland, 4th Jellett (H.), A Short Practice of Midwifery, or 8vo

Kitson (F. G.), Novels of Charles Dickens (Book-Lover's Library) 4/6 ( B *() 0( lilts Mathews) (23/11 Krehbiel (H. E.), How to Listen to Music, cr 8vo (J. Murray) 6/0 Ruh, a (L. '0.), The Treatment of Nature in Dante's Divine Oommedia.

or 8vo (E. Arnold) 5/0 Lydekker (R.) and Others, The Concise Knowledge of Natural History cr Svo (Hutohinsoni 5/0 a MeoReth .), The Opening of the Gates, 12mo (K. Pa 5/0 Mc"ai tlAy Cr), The Riddle Ring, or 8vo (Ghetto it Windt's) 8/6

(B. (Nelson) r0

Mann M.), Model Drawing, or 8vo Maxwell (H.), Memories of the Months, cr 8vo

Menlo (H., jtm.), Sizing Ingredients. 8vo (s.(13ximurratikiyi 22/0/0

Murray's Cyclist's Handbook, &a., 18mo

Ni,hols (E. L.), The Outlines of Physics, or 8vo I Macmillan) 7/6

01 pliant (Mrs ), The Ways of Life, or Svo (Smith & Elder) 6/0 0.car (A.). Captain Kidd's Millions, or 8vo (Chapman A Hall) 6/0' Owen (J. L.). .rhe Great Jekyll Diamond, or Svo (Roxbarghe Press) 3/6 Pearson (K.). The Ohanoes of Death, 2 vols. 8vo

Perry (J.), The Calculus for Engineers, cr 8vo ((11.. nooll /0

Arnold)ddi 257/6 Power of the Purse (The). by " Actinotas," or Svo (Sonnenschein) 3/6 Freed (Mrs. Campbell), Nubile, or 8vo (Matto & Windna) 6/0' Pratt (X. A.), Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign, or 8vo Rampini (0) A History of Moray and Nairn, 8vo

Hamadan (J.), The Brenta' Homeland, or Svo (W. Blawwnoodel 57/1

(Roxburghe Press) 3/6 Raphael (F. O.), Localisation of Faults in Electric Light Mains, 8vo (Electrician Printing Company 5/0 Read (BL), Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and kiavoy...(Ohatto A Windus 28/0

Richardson (R.), George Morland's Pictures, 8vo (E. Stock)) 6/0 Richmond (Mrs.), Sally: a Sydney Tale, or 8voRebrrta (W.), Memorials of Christie's, 2 vols. imp. 8vo (sonnensehein 8/6 Rooper ( W.), Sweet Little Songs for Sweet Little Singers (Griffith & in Yarra(Bell) 25/As/a/

Russell (B. R.), and Another, Ibsen on his Merit., or 8vo (Chapman it Hall) 5/0 Russell (T. 0.), Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland, or 8vo ussrll (W. (7.), The Last Entry, cr 8vo t'(K. Paul) 7/6 R Saherren (H.), Through a Pocket Lens, 12mo (Ohatto & Winds) 3/6 Sergeant (A.), In Vatlombrosa, or 8vo

Shand (A. I.), The Lady Grange, cr 8vo ( Fi( (Smith 1 i Va el i . i utial Elder) etr i :66///10:0

Smith (Horace), Poems, cr 8vo (Sm

Stafford (J.), Carlton Priors, cr 8vo (Ghetto & Windusi 6/0 Steadman (M. R.) (" M. R. 8."), Optimus, and other Poems (Sonnensohein) 2/6 Stephens (T.), Contribution to Bibliography of Bank of England (H. Wilson) 10/6 Sturgis (3.), The Folly of Pen Harrington, or 8vo Thomas (E.), " When Ye Come Together," or 8vo (Constable) 61/06

Thompson (F.), New Poems, or 8vo (Constable) 6/0

Watt (W. A.), The Theory of Contract in its Social Light, 8vo (T & T. Clark) 3/0.

Webster (A. G.), The Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, Svo (Macmillan) 1450• Williams (Lady Watkin), Sybil Foster's Love Story, cr 8vo (Chapman & Hall) NO Wing (H. li.), Milk and its Products, l2mo (Macmillan) 4/0