LORD KILMUIR'S MEMOIRS SIR,—Mr. Kenneth MacGowan writes that he is
'shocked that in order to attack the work of a man of whom obviously he does not approve, somebody bearing the name of Churchill should, even obliquely and by implication, find posthumous virtue in the reputation of Goering?
I have not read Lord Kilmuir's book; nor have I attacked it; nor have I reviewed it. I was writing about his appearance on television. Nor did I find any 'posthumous virtue in the reputation of Goering.' I merely indicated that I thought he cut a better figure in the witness box than did Lord Kilmuir, From 1932 onwards I have made it plain that I abhorred both the political and military career of General Goering and his associates. I still think as I stated as early as 1946 that the Nuremberg trials were a travesty of justice. This is very far from being what Mr. MacGowan has chosen to read into what I wrote.