Sir: May I add a short postscript to the admirable
letter from Mr W. E. Bell (8 May) concerning the past Government's flouting of public opinion over the Abortion Bill and this one's intention to act in a similarly high-handed manner over their European policy?
Mr Heath has no mandate from the electorate to surrender his Queen and Country to foreign domination and thus deprive the British people of their right of self- determination. One of the Tories' election promises was to give the people more freedom and more res- ponsibility; yet now, over the gravest measure ever proposed by any British government, the Prime Minister seems quite determined (M. Pompidou permitting of course) to push us into the EEC either by flouting the wishes of the people or by brainwashing them in- to acceptance.
We are being governed, Sir, by an arrogant dictator who, to give him his due, has never called him- self a patriot but on more than one occasion has proclaimed his inter- nationalism with all the self-right- eousness of a socialist politician. Isla M. Atherley 55 Nine Acres Close, Charlbury, Oxford.