Racialist Africa
Sir: President Nyercre has once again committed another thought- less act of expropriation and dealt another severe blow to the helpless Asian community.
This apostle of non-racialism, this great defender of virtue who never misses an opportunity to fulminate against South Africa and Britain, shamelessly pursues a policy of blatant racialism which is as oppressive as it is primitive.
Official policy has placed a pre- mium on inaction; the lazy are rewarded and the industrious are penalised. When will these woolly- minded socialists learn that in an underdeveloped economy the em- phasis ought to be more on the creation of new wealth rather than on its pattern of distribution?
The most depressing aspect of the tragedy of the Asians is the failure of the governments of India and Pakistan to come forward with an imaginative proposal designed to alleviate the sufferings of their kith and kin in East Africa. Instead they take refuge in legalistic argu- ments and depend on Britain to solve this problem while they pur- sue the myth of Afro-Asian soli- darity which is, if anything, only a marriage of convenience for the Africans.
Ganesh La11 The Common Room, Middle Temple, London Ec4