15 MAY 1971, Page 32

Saucy pair

England's leading papist the Duke of Norfolk is the unlikely president- of the- £600,000 restoration fund for Chichester Cathedral.

Last week Sotheby's sold by auction ob- jects that had been given to help towards the appeals target. The sale was at Goodwood House. which with the backing of. Morgan Grenfell has been lavishly done up.

Lady Sarah and Lady Mary Fitzalan- Howard (a saucy pair) and their high-step- ping mother, the Duchess, are to be con- gratulated on producing such a successful evening. My small constructive suggestion is that they should have allowed themselves to be aided by a public relations man who would have earned his fee by obtaining some coverage in the national papers and probably on iv and seen to it that invitations to take tickets for the sale were better distributed.