Books Wanted
FIRST EDITIONS, particularly early, Evelyn Waugh, John Tidey, 22 Pattison Road, London NW2.
BELLS RING .BACKWARDS by Oliver Onions. Johnson, 46 York Road. Liverpool 23.
ELSIE OXENHAM & Elinor Brent-Dyer books, especially early editions. Marshall, 5/6 Down St. London W1. MEMORIES by Si, Maurice Bowra, 'Early Renaissance' by Michael Levey. S. D. Ezell, M.D. South Main Street, Salem, New York 12865, U.S.A.
FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury. Pref. paperback. E. M. Smith, 4, Fairmount Orion, Loughborough, Leics. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, GRAPHIC, etc. 19th century, needed by author for research. Johnson, 22 The Hamlet, Champion Hill, London SE5. Tel : 01-274 1123. BILLY BARNICOAT by Greville Mac Donald. Maitland, 2 Howard Lodge, Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells.
THE DAY ON FIRE by James Ramsay Ullman. Spectator Box 691.
AUSTIN FREEMAN any in any condition. W. H. Paul, Wychwood, Upper Court Road, Woldingham, Surrey, VENUS IN THE KITCHEN by Norman Douglas. Box 687. ASQUITH by Roy Jenkins. Good copy wanted urgently. Box 688.
THE WATER BEETLE by Nancy Mitford and THE BEAST IN ME by James Thurber. Box No. 690.
Waste Products of Agriculture" by A. Howard and T. Wad. Write : L. 0. Hills, 30 Convent Lane, Backing, Braintree, Essex.
SHIRLEY'S "History of the County of Monaghan". Elliott, West Walton, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, EARLY BOOKS BY Christopher Isherwood and Gore Vidal. "Little Friend" by Ernst Lothar. L. Webster, 48 Marshall Road, Warley. B68 9ED.
MORLEY'S Life of Gladstone and Gladstone's "Gleanings". Box 689.
P. G. WODEHOUSE. Collector interested in buying Wodehouse material : letters holograph or signed, photographs, first editions pre 1939, association copies, unbound 'Captain', 'Strand' and other magazines containing W. stories, theatre programmes, sheet music etc. Write: Richard Usborne, Fenton House, Windmill Hill, London NW3.
EXPERIENCE AND ITS MODES by Michael Oakeshott J. Liddington, Balliol College, Oxford.
RECONSTRUCTION by Macmillan GUILTY MEN by Cato : WIGS ON THE GREEN by Nancy Mitford, 60, Victoria Road, Northampton NN1 SEQ.
OLD CALABRIA by Norma n Douglas. Box 684, TRAVELS IN WEST AFRICA by Mary Kingsley. Any edition. Box 686.
AIR POWER IN WAR by Lord Tedder. Two copies required by A. D. Peters, 10 Buckingham Street, London WC2, Tel. 01 -839 2556.
SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES edited by Fred Urquhart, one edition Published pre 1939, slightly revised edition published after 1944. J. M. Wright, 3 Glebe Crescent, Stirling, SILVICULTURAL SYSTEMS by R. S. Troup. 2nd Edition. OUP 2 copies. P. D. Ellis, 23 Hornets Croft, Greenleys, Milton Keynes, MK12 5DB. COMPLETE BOOK OF THE AMERICAN MUSICAL, David Ewen, 1971. Surrey, 14 Church Lane, Southampton. JOURNEY TO A WAR by Auden/Isherwood. Faber. 14 Church Lane, Southampton.
ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL'S Critical Heritage Series: Volumes on Wilkie Collins, Stephen Crane, Defoe, John Donne, William Faulkner, Fielding, Gissing, Hawthorne, Henry James, Joyce, Kipling, Meredith, Swift, Twain, Wells, Whitman, Wilde. Box 683.
GIOVANNI DI PAOLO by John Pope Hennessy (Chan° & Windus). THE HERMITAGE World of Art (Thames & Hudson) Box 681. LIFE & TIMES OF THOMAS CORYATE by Michael Strachan (OUP). P. A. Horton, 12 Helga Court, Watford WD1 3PA.
CLASSIC MYTH AND LEGEND by A. R. Hope Moncrieff. MYTHS OF BABYLON AND ASSYRIA by Donald Mackenzie. THE LORDS OF THE ISLES by Isobel Grant (MacLehose, London) Box 681.
VOLUME TWO: JUNIUS (letters of). Published 1812. William Lock, 11 Castle House. Caine, Wiltshire.
SOUTH WIND by Norman Douglas and TRIVIA by Logan Smith. Craig, 'Gossway", Kirtlington, Oxford.
DANTE 'THE DIVINE COMEDY' with original Blake drawinqs. Printed by Heritage Press New York. Box 679. DOCKERS by David Wilson Fontana Press. Jones 01-445 5006. 17 Oakleigh Park North, London N20. CRUISE OF THE ANNIE MARBLE. C. S. Forester, Farnham Common 3919.
THE FLIGHT FROM REASON by Arnold Lunn, J. P Chamcellor, 69 Kew Green, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AH.