We have heard, to our great regret, that on Monday
last, in the University of Oxford, it was (tete' mined by the Heads of Colleges and Halls, at their weekly meeting, to propose in Convocation a repeal of the University Statute requiring every member above sixteen years of age to signify by subscription his assent to the Thirty- uine Articles. We conclude, but do not know for certain, that some vague declaration of conformity is to be substituted for this subserip- tion. But, be that as it may, the bare fact of such a compromise with the spirit of the age being made at this moment, and after all that has passed on the subject, must till every true Churchman, and especially every Oxitad man, with many sad and foreboding thoughts.— Standard.
This has very much the appearance of a Tory trick. The Dissenters are offended, and justly, by the treatment they have received from the Whig Ministers ; and the Duke of WELLINGTON, the chief of the 1 Tories as well as Chancellor of Oxford, thinks it worth while to throw out a lure to them at this crisis in the affairs of his party. The Dis- senters, however, will blow away the Duke's chuff. His Grace can never be passed off as a Liberal again.