The gossip of the foreign journals is not without interest.
Marshal Soult has actually retired from all official duties but the Presidency of the Council. He is succeeded in the War- office by General St. Yon ; unfavourably mentioned as implicated ha the intrigues of Spain.
Abd-el-Kader is strengthening himself, it should seem, against both France and Morocco.
According to a Madrid paper, Legitimacy in the Peninsula has received a marked check at the hands of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia! At Genoa, he refused to see Don Miguel, having him- self recognized the Queen of Portugal. When Don Carlos and the Princess of Beira would have visited him, he went to bed, and left the Empress to entertain the Spanish Pretender. And he passed obvious slights upon the two sons of Don Carlos in the Sardinian army. This conduct had such an effect with King Charles Albert, that he ordered the title of " Majesty" no longer to be given to Don Carlos • and so, even in Sardinia Legitimacy is at a discount. This tale, however, ought to rest on better authority than that of the Madrid press.