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Wen DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Nov. 11.-Royal Artillery-See. Capt. A. Irr, Murray, from the Supernumerary List, to be Sec. Capt. vice Tomkinson, retired upon half-pay. To be Lieuts.-Gent. Cadets E. V. Boyle, H. M. Borton.
Royal Engineers-To be Lieutenants-Gent. Cadets G. E. L. 5. Sandford, S. G, Bird, E. F. S. Lloyd.
Royal _Engineer _Field Equipment-To be Veterinary Surg.-T. W. Mayer, Gent, Depot Battalion-For Capt. F. W. Gostling, from the 49th Foot, to be Assist.- Adjt. vice King, appointed Adjt. which appeared in the Gazette of the 25th of March 1856, read Capt. F. W. Gostling, of the 49th Foot, 8sc. Hospital Staff-Acting Assist.-Surg. A. R. Smith to be Assist.-Surgi to the Forces.
Breret-Lieut.-Col. B. S. Stehelin, of the Royal Engineers, having completes three years' service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be Col. in the Army, under the pro- visions of the Royal warrant of the 3d Nov. 1854, FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 14.
WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Nov. 14.-Cavalry-Royal Regt. of Horse Guards- Veterinary-Surg. J. Byrne, from the 4th Light Drags, to be Veterinary-Surg. vice Siddall, dec. 4th Light Drags.-Probationary Veterinary-Surg. H. Sewell to be Veterinary- Surg. vice J. Byrne, appointed to the Royal Regt. of Horse Guards. 17th Light Drags.-Lieut. D. C. Lowe to be Capt. by purchase, vice Learmentb, promoted.
Royal Engineers-Capt. A. P. G. Ross to be Lieut.-Col. vice Williams, dec.; Second Capt. H. Wray to be Capt. vice Ross ; Second Capt. and Brevet-Major J. Stokes, from the Seconded List, to be Second Capt. vice Wray.
Infantry-Grenadier Guards-A. D. Hayter, Gent, to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. J. C. Stanley, promoted. • 21st Regt. of Foot-Lieut. T. Coakley to be Adjt. vice Fowler, resigned. 48th Foot-Ensign J. C. Kerr has been permitted to resign his commission. 67th Foot-Ensign E. H. Lenon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pearson, promoted in the 1st West India Regt. ; J. T. H. Gardiner, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lenon.
74th Foot-Lieut. A. D. Bell to be Adjt. vice Thackeray, promoted.
79th Foot-Lieut. W. WW1 to be Quartermaster, vice R. Jamieson, appointed to a Depot Battalion. 83d Foot-The appointment of Sergt.-Major A. M'Clymont to an Ensigney, with. out purchase, and to the Adjutancy, vice Lieut. Mainwaring„ dec. as stated in the Gazette of 24th Oct. 1856, has been cancelled, the Serg,t-Major having died on the 8th Sept. 1856; Lieut. J. N. Colthurst to be Adjt. vice Mainwaring, dec.
lst West India Regiment-Lieut. C. W. Pearson, from the 67th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Coote, who retires. To be Ensigns without purchase-J. Bourke, Gent. vice Barron, promoted ;, H. E. Hemsworth, Gent, vice Dunn, promoted.
3d West India Regiment-T. D. Mahon, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Arnold, dec.
Royal Newfoundland Companies-Capt. M. :'Gregor, from half-pay unatt. to be Capt. vice Brevet-Major D'Alton, retired on full-pay.
Depot Battalions-To be Adjutants-Capts. R. Barrett, from Assist.-Adjutant ; J. Hanham, from Assist-Adjutant ; F. Padfield, from 20th Foot; S. Dunning, from Assist.-Adjutant. To be Quartermaster-Lieut. J. F. Grier, from 88th Foot.
Cavalry Depot, Maidstone-Capt. W. Miller, from half-pay of the 2d Dragoons, to be. Adjutant.
Hospital Staff-Staff-Surg, of the Second Class W. J. Fyffe, M.B. from half-pay, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Arden, appointed to the Military Train. Acting-Assist. Burg. T. G. Atkinson has ceased to do duty, there being no longer occasion for his services..
Brevet-The undermentioned officer having completed three years' actual service on the 19th Oct. 1856, in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant, 6th -Oct. 1854-Lieut.-Col. F. G. A. Pinckney, 73d Foot. Capt. M. M'Gregor, of the Royal Newfoundland Companies, to be Major in the Army. Capt. J. Middleton (late District Paymaster) to be Major in the Army, the rank being honorary only.