A tele g r aphic messa g e from Dublin, dated yesterday , points to yet
another railway ud. "Mr. Little, the Cashier of the Midland Great Westesa Railway of Ireland, committed suicide today by cutting his throat. The cause of this act is supposed to have been the discovery of extensive defake's
tions in his accounts, which were previously unsuspected." ' NT. Leopold Redpath, the Share Registrar' r of the Great NorthernRailway Compan, was arrested yesterday morning, at the house of a friend in 'Ulster Ne Place, yw Road. Ile had gone to Paris, but, feeling the hopelessness of his chancels, he returned to London on Thursday night. He was arrested by Mr. Williams, Superintendent of the Great Northern Police, and Mr. Fran- cis Mowatt, Secretary of the Company. After he was in custody, he said kir Mr. Mowatt, "I am sorry for this-yery sorry"; and to Mr. Williams, "They-have my place in Chester Terrace, and if they sell it well it will fetch 30,0001." Redpath appeared in the dock of the Clerkensvell Police Court shortly after his apprehension, and sufficient evidence of his frauds was furnished to justify the Magistrate in remanding him. Two eases were stated by Mr. Mowatt, showing that in transferring to himself two parcels of real stock, amounting respectively to 225/. and 2501. he had entered them as 1250/. and 15001. stock. Soon after his el/sus-Sentient an officer was sent by Sir George Grey to take possession of Mr. atedpith's " place"- at Weise bridge. It was found to be so sumptuously furnished that its worth is esti- mated at 35,000/. Mrs. Redpath now heard from the officer for the first time the news of her husband's crime. It appears that the convict Robson and Redpath were formerly fellow clerks in the same officeof the Great Northern Railway.