15 NOVEMBER 1856, Page 8



Yesterday, the Bank of England determined upon an advance to a uni- form rate of 7 per cent : there will now be no distinction for bills at two and those at three months. The public were in some respect prepared for this movement, from the Bank's previous refusal to rediscount bills for bro- kers which had more than a month to run, also from the continued unfti -iourable tendency of the rate of exchange on Paris, where money is in un- diminished demand. The demand for accommodation had been previonsly excessive ; and this, doubtless, was augmented by the precautions used by bankers and others through the oft-repeated but erroneous reports of spe- cial meetings to carry out further restnetive measures : the usual require- ments for the Stock and Share settlements had- also an influence. The monthly return of the Bank of France shows no material difference from the previous one. There has been an absence of gold withdrawals from the Rank of England. The Funds have been unsteady this week, and there have been some heavy sales by the Chancery Broker and on speculative account. The varies, tions in Consols have been from 92/ to 4. The alteration in the discount yesterday caused them to decline 4; they closed at 92/1. Ttatiy, after some fluctuations, they leave off at an improvement of per cent; being 921 /, and 924 3 for Account. Bank Stock is 1-better this week ; Exche- quer Bills have fallen 3s.; India Stock has not altered. The French Funds have shown dulness. The Corn-market has fallen Is. to 25. Some further details have arrived regarding the Russian Railway conces- sion. The scheme, it is expected, will be discountenanced in London and in Paris during the monetary crisis; but there is a proviso that the heat- issue of shares need not be made for ten months, or until.the rate of.dis. count in Berlin has fallen to 4 per cent. -In Foreign Securities, the fluctuations have.been inconsiderable in most cases. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents are 1, and Turkish 1 better ; Spanish 4, Mexican 4 lower. Buenos Ayres improved 3 per cent upon, the publication by the agents of that Government of new proposals for arrange- ment of the debt; but the rise has not been maintained. - Railways have shown weakness, through a pressure of sales. In some cases a considerable fall occurred : today they have rallied a little, but the depression still shown compared with last week is-Bristol anclExeter, 2l. ; Great Northern, 1/. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, London and North-Western, and South-Eastern, 108. - Great Western, 5s. Great sensation was caused in the Stock Exchange yeslerday, by the discovery of serious defalcations by the Registrar of Shares in the Great Northern Railway Company, to the extent, it is said of 150,0001.-: the Original Shares fell 11. 10s. and the A Stock Si. Today they are a little; better. - French Shares have been very flat both here and in Paris. It is thought that some of the leading Companies will require more capital than they at first contemplated. The following have declined-Western and North- Western of France, 11. 10s.Great Central of France, II. 58. ; Northern of France, and Paris and Orleans, 11. ; Paris and Lyons, los.; Eastern of France, 58.


The English Funds are 1 better this morning. Consuls for Money are 924 1, and for Account 931. Exchequer Bills, 3 dis. topar. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 66,1751. The monthly statement of the Bank of France exhibits a decrease in the bullion of only 114,380/. ; the premiums paid during the month forpurchases of gold and silver have been 26,400/. ; and the amount now held is 6,540,0001. The. La Plata has arrived from the West Indies, and has brought on freight specie of the value of 786,000 dollars. There is no change in Foreign Stocks. Railways are higher-Great Western, 651 ; London and South-Western, 1044; Midland, 791; North British, 38; North-Eastern- York, 594.


In the English Funds the slight improvement that occurred at morning:has 'beeitsmaintained; 'there has been very little domg. Consols "for Money:are 92j4, .and for Abeount 931: Exchequer Bills 3 dis- wont toper. l3sohequer Benda 981: Foreign Stocks have been very in.. Wive,. and them, le ne elifference in the quotations. •


The Bailly4 yarlFst hesheen free from excitement, but it has a tendency to firmness-Catedeasass, kl.; Eastern ,Counties, 9; Great Nerthetn, 921 - Ditto A Stack, '80 ; Great-Western, 65; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 941 '; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1061; London and North-Western, 108=,, London and Smith-Western, I.05S ; 3fanchester, Sheffield, and Lin- colnithire, 331; Midland; `79 ; North Britielf, 371 - North-Eastern-1ms_ wiek,. in/ ; Iiitto York; 591 ; North:Londce, In ; Oxford; Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 281; ' South DeTonis151 s South-Eastern, 70; Grand Trunk of -Canada,- As Iseue,1.101. Joihts Stock Banks-Bank of -Egypt, 16 ; .GommeroialSof:Lonslons..281 ; London: and County,. 30; New South Wales, 39; Ottoman . Sank, 121. Miscellaneous-s-Oanada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 113; Crs stal Palette, 2; .,London General Om- nibus Company, 31 ; Royal Mail Steam, 67. 3 Ditto for Account 921 1 • Dutch 21 per Cents 931 Ditto 4,per Cents 93 7

C4 6

per en on, s 3 per Cent Reduced 91, 4 Mexican 3per Cents 211 24

New 3 per Cents 911 2 Peruvian 4i per Cents 76 8_ Long Annuities 21 Ditto.3 per Cents 54 G

bank Stock' 215 17 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 43 5

Exchequer Bills 3 dis. par Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 India Stick 226 30 Ditto 41 per Cents Austrian 51 per Cents 41 2 BranTan 5•,,per Cents 86 9 Spanish .3 per'Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred

Belgian 4a per Cents 95 7 Sardinian 5 per. Cents ' 00 3 34 :tannin 6 per-Cents ' 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7

Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents 901 1 •

Danish 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 99/ MI A company is in course of formation for laying down an electric cable from England or Ireland to Newfoundland. The proposed capital of the " At- lantic Telegraph Company" is 350,0001., and the shares are to be of the un- usiial:amount of.10001: haehs - Mr. R. W. Crawford-and, Mr.- Edmund Round have made a proposal to the General Screw Company for the formation of an European and American steam-ship company,: to take the eight large vessels belonging to the • General Screw proprietary at 373,0231. or 211. per ton, .to be paid for in shares, The capital of the company is to be 400,0001. in 251. shares, thus leaving i26,977/. for working expenses..The lines to be occupied, are between Bremen and New York, between Havre and New York, and between Ham- burg, Brazil, and the River Plate, with Southampton as the port of call. Messrs. Croskey have offered to undertake the entire agency on condition of receiving mitheigfor their services until the shareholders get a clear 6, per cent, after which they would divide surplus'profitss The plan is said to have 'met with the complete approval of the General-Screw Directors, and the decision of the shareholders individually is now called for.

The reports from the manufacturing districts are of a very satisfactory character. The value of cocoa in our markets has largely increased since January, owing to a reduction of the French impart-duty : this is an important mat- ter to our colony of Trinidad.