Telegrams received from Ceuta show that the Kabyles have risen
in Tetuan and are threatening the town. It appears that the Basha refused to release several of their tribesmen from prison, including the murderer of a British subject, and after some unsuccessful skirmishes with the rebels, has closed the gates and is virtually standing a siege. The Moorish Government has sent a steamer with ammunition and stores to assist the Basha, and two Spanish steamers from Ceuta and three British cruisers from Gibraltar have proceeded on the same errand. The condition of affairs is undoubtedly most serious for Tetuan, but the alarmist reports circulated by the Madrid papers as to the condition of Morocco at large are no doubt partly inspired by Spain's consciousness of her im- potence. On the other hand, the extremely interesting account given in Friday's Times of the action of the Sultan in regard to the murder of Mr. Cooper seems to show that he does really possess the promptitude and decision needed for the enforcement of order throughout his dominions.