The Lord Protector. By S. Levett-Yeats. . (Cassell and Co.
66.) —Mr. Levett-Yeats succeeds almost as well as is possible in lending freshness to a well-worn situation. The Royalist maiden who has an unworthy Cavalier and a worthy Puritan among her admirers is a familiar figure ; still, Dorothy Capel is drawn with no common force. The rivals for her love are also vigorous creations, Harden being, perhaps, too thoroughgoing a villain to satisfy the canons of art. It was a more dangerous experiment to introduce the great Cromwell himself, but it has been attended with at least fair success. There is a touch of humour now and then, as when Polly Maple makes a fool of the grave housekeeper, to relieve a generally sombre tale. Is not " Lie-as-a-Bear-in-Wait- for-the-Heathen " rather an exaggeration of Puritan names ?