Cap'n Nat's Treasure. By Robert Leighton. (S. W. Partridge and
Co. 5s.)—Mr. Leighton has reached such a degree of skill in nar- rating a romance or an adventure that it is no longer necessary for him to go far afield in search of incident. Old Liverpool is the scene of the discovery, loss, and final recapture of Don Diego's treasure. We have no very elaborate portraits, and the style is such as a boy would read without finding it necessary to skip long moralisings or descriptions of scenery. Old Cap'n Nat, Sylvester Jardine, and Mary Ellerbeck are human enough, and have an eighteenth-century air about them. Mary Ellerbeck talks a little too much like a book, perhaps; but for the rest, the story, the incidents, the riots, the duel on the old treasure hulk, and the chase after Jardine make up a most fascinating tale of Old Liverpool.