15 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 33
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Here are some
forms of "Grace before Meat" for M. Smith to choose from: (1) "May God supply the wants of others and give us grateful hearts "; (2) " For these and all His mercies God's Holy name be praised "; (3) " Lord, bless these Thy gifts to our use and ourselves to Thy service." The following longer form (with variations) is in daily use at many Cambridge • colleges: " Benedic,. Domine, noble, et his this donis quae de tua largitate • sumus sumpturi, et concede ut illia salubriter nutriti tibi debitum obsequium praestare valeamus per Jesum Christum,_ Dominum et Servatorem nostrum. Amen."—I am, Sir, &o.,
S. A. D.