The widespread activity of the American revolutionaries was revealed on
Saturday last when the Federal authorities raided their dens in New York and other cities. Hundreds of aliens be- longing to the Union of Russian Workers, a Bolshevik or Anarchist society, were arrested and will be deported. One had a bomb- making plant in his house ; another had a machine for making false coin. The Irish-American agitator, Larkin, was arrested In New York. The plotters were found to possess large sums of money and tons of seditious pamphlets inspired by the Moscow Bolsheviks. Their programme included an armed revolt, the assassination of public officials, and the confiscation of all property. Through some defect in the Federal law, the naturalized citizens belonging to this amiable society had to be released. But the revelation of their aims will doubtless lead to a drastic strengthening of the laws against conspiracy. The Sinn Fein methods in Ireland will not be tolerated in America.