A hundred years ago
From the 'Spectator', 14 November 1868—The - elections of next week may or may not do much directly to "make history," but they will certainly do very much indirectly.. . . Apart from the poli- tical issues of the elections, the moral issue which seems to us to be at stake is simply this,—whether or not to trust the statesman who of all English statesmen of our day has most flagrantly sacri- ficed convictions (so far as he has any, at all events the semblance of them) to power, or the statesman who of all English statesmen of our day has most conspicuously sacrificed power to convictions; whether or not to swell the party which delights to pride itself on Mr. Disraeli's Conservative strategy, or the party which is united for the express pur- pose of redeeming Mr. Gladstone's promises of justice.