Shorter notice
The Complete Bolivian Diaries of Che Guevara and Other Captured Documents edited by Daniel lames (Allen and Unwin 42s). We have already had two English versions of Che's diaries, taken from the Cuban copies and with windy introductions by Castro. This version is the fullest so far, though the diaries themselves do not differ in any essential way from the other two. The new and valuable parts are: Mr James's actual introduction (his opinions are occasionally dubious but, in the matter of dubiety, Mr James leaves off where Major Castro begins); the diaries of three other mem- bers of Che's band; a fascinating set of photo- graphs; a useful chronology of events; and full lists of all the guerrilleros and their associates. What we are still not given, but badly need, are properly detailed maps. However, for the serious student of Che, as well as for those who enjoy true stories of endeavour and disaster, this
is the version to have. •